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  • I was wondering if I can get one of your spare absols. Unfortunately, best I have to trade atm is probably a 31/x/31/31/31/x Calm flabebe.
    My 3DS Friend Code is: 4640 - 0063 - 5592

    My in-game name is Mocha, just like here. Do have a preference on the gender?
    Thanks for the Absol. Everything worked out great.
    Glad to hear, and you're welcome :)
    Hey, I saw your post in the Absol thread and I'll trade you a 5 IV Timid Ralts or 5 IV Adamant Mawile for one.
    My Friend Code is Sabbles 4871-3853-2985 and my ingame name is Calem.
    The male is fine, but thanks. Did the Absol turn out okay for you?
    Yep, I just took it to the IV checker and everything's checked out. Thank you very much!
    Awesome, thank you. And you're welcome :)
    I would like one of those quadflawless Absol you have.

    Will you accept a brave honedge (31/31/31/x/30/0) for one of 'em?
    edit: I can nickname it too if you'd like.
    No worries heh.

    Also make sure the Absol turned out okay for you once you get it.
    Many thanks for the Absol! I can use this for battle and passing on the 5 perfect IVs within its egg group.
    You're welcome, glad you like it :)
    Hi! You posted a brilliant question on the Absol thread about how to deal with Galvantula, one that I lost sleep last night trying to find a good answer for. I'll be sharing what my thoughts on the thread shortly, but I just wanted to make a small correction first. You said that Absol had Magic Guard when it just has Magic Bounce. Not a big deal and a simple fix, but I just don't want anyone to get confused by it.
    I'm going to look into it a little more, since a lot of people seem to like Sticky Web, but it seems like the only defense against a maxed Speed Focus Sash Galvantula is something faster than it with a reliable multi-hit move, or something faster than it with Fake Out. Perhaps a lead with Snatch would be worth using, too.
    Sorry I meant Magic Bounce, not Magic Guard, welp <.<

    Yes, multi-hit moves/Fake Out seem to be one of our better answers to having an answer for Galvantula. Which actually brings this to mind, but Kangaskhan can get Fake Out. I wonder how much damage it would do in mega form to Galvantula, with the damage of the baby included? o:
    Yeah, I probably shouldn't have even said anything about it, sorry.

    I did a couple damage calculations (hopefully they're accurate) and it seems that Fake Out is just too weak of a move even with Mega Kangaskhan's STAB, Attack, and baby to OHKO Galvantula. Kangaskhan'll only deal 60-70% of it's health (which is pretty good) but then it'll be out-sped on the next turn, nullifying it as a Sticky Web counter. :(
    Hey :o I'm pretty early on in the story but I was hoping I could get someone to trade me a Protean Froakie. If you could help me out I'd really appreciate it!
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