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  • yeah but you got the parahax on my scizor and almost all my attacks did min damage
    sorry dude :\, word from higher-ups said that we already have too many people in the room. i really hope you can find something somewhere else. sorry. if not, i think there is a super 8 that goes for like 25 night 1, then 10 bucks every night after that is like 10 miles away. idk good luck though dude, sorry again
    I NEVER get to flinch people with Iron Head + paralysis... Yet everyone seems to do that to me.
    Hey dude, I saw that you're gonna be at nationals... My friend Andrew and i were the guys in line with you and your friends, we'll try to find you guys again if we can.
    I can't even remember what moves I used, I'm so tired. D;

    I haven't been feeling well at all today. Maybe we could try again tomorrow? I'll see if I can find out where the other half of my TR team went and we can have a fresh match.
    Thanks for the reply, Darkwatch! I was wondering if you or anyone you know has a Ditto from one of those giveaways? I just need to breed my team, as I recently found about IV's.....thanks for the help!
    Well, I'll definitely be at Indy. Dubulous and I are roadtripping together ^_^ To be honest, Im so much more excited about meeting Smogonites than I am about competing, but... well... I suppose a DS would be a fun thing to win! =D
    And here I was expecting to find another Smogon member that lived in the area.... XD That's soooo awesome that you'll be able to go to Newark! My family is going on vacation the day after Newark, so my sister and I will probably leave a day early to go there as well as the LCQ at Indy. ^_^
    So, I saw in the Newark VGC thread that you're going there, but Indy is closer. If you don't mind me asking, what area of the country are you from? (The same pretty much goes for me- I'm near Pittsburgh.)
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