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  • Jij bent PDA van AWF toch? Welkom terug! Ik las in de mansion thread dat je weer een Trickscarf strategie ging proberen. Trickscarf strategieën zijn moeilijker geworden vergeleken met gen4. In gen5 (dus ik neem aan ook in gen6) was het sowieso al dat je Pokemon niet kunt trickscarfen in supportmoves (de pokemon switcht dan gewoon). Entrainment Durant met de ability Truant is nu eigenlijk de beste cripplestrategie.
    hey bro, i'm sorry but i can't wait no longer

    i know u're only 30 mins late, but my notebook's battery is running out and i'm with no charger, so I really can't do nothing

    tomorrow(friday) or saturday is good for u? i'll be on pretty much the whole day
    We're opps for ST8 R3, VM me with your timezone so we can schedule our match.

    i'm gmt -3
    Yep, mijn tegenstander heeft deze week nog examens, dus volgende week pas.
    Succes in de volgende ronden, misschien komen we elkaar nog wel tegen ;)
    oh, and apparently we have to wait 48 hours after the round was posted (yesterday) to allow for predictions before battling anyway, so that kinda works out

    anyway, will be in touch!
    hi, thanks for your vm!

    i'm in gmt, and i keep some pretty crazy hours

    i can certainly do those though

    i'd prefer something toward the later end of the time window if that's np, and i can do pretty much any date you'd like, starting immediately, with the exception of the fifteenth

    your call!
    I generally can't get on for more than an hour straight, but tomorrow afternoon/evening is open for me provided something doesn't pop up.
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