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  • Hey man, are you still interested in the CAP tournament or what? Please let me know when we can play or just say so if you lost interest / are unable to play, so we can act accordingly. Thanks for the collaboration.
    We are paired for the UU All generation, I'm GMT -5 and i'm very present the Week end :)
    Hey, we have to play for the CAP tournament, when are you available? I'm GMT +1, and can play today or tomorrow morning (probably also Sunday but not 100% sure). When are you available? You can find me on Showdown under the same nickname I use here on smogon.
    we're paired for the back to the future nu tournament, im gmt +1 and im mostly available in the afternoons, when can you play?
    Hey, I saw your dragmag team and liked it a lot. Would you mind if I took it, made some tweaks then reposted it with those tweaks if I gave you credit for the idea in the RMT?
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