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  • I am looking for a Froakie.
    Can you register me as a Friend? My Friend code is 5000-2806-7007.
    I know I have Prankster Rilou. Besides that, I don't know what my Friend Safari has to offer.
    Hi, would you please hatch a Froakie for me? Its SV is 807.

    My FC: 4785-5687-4738
    No Nickname, hatch location is dealers choice lol. Thank you!
    Are you going to be able to log on soon? If not I will happily do it a different time but I'm about to go to dinner lol.
    Ah, apologies - I got really distracted. Adding rn!
    Hello Zebraiken! You`re SV 807 right?

    Mind helping me hatch a shiny? I can throw in one of the following 4 IV pokemon for your help: Charmander, Skarmory, Larvitar, Gastly.

    MY FC is: 1418-8067-2289
    I would greatly appreciate it! Cheers.
    I'm Ciesla
    Sorry about the delay, hehe. I had no idea where the Chamber of Emptiness was so I had to look it up. :x Thank you!
    Haha it was plenty fast! Thank you so much sir, I am proud to have my Gengar's OT be listed as Zeb!

    Take care.
    Hey, your shiny id matches my frokies shiny ID, I would like you to hatch it for me :)
    I added you already, my ingame name is Wael and my FC is 1289 - 8254 - 6642
    Okay. Nickname / hatch location preferences?
    just nickname it Shardoor, hatch it anywhere you like..
    hey! sorry for being a nuisance but... i just got an egg that matches your SV so i was wondering if you could help me hatch it? my fc is 3050 7831 0254 >.> <.< u.u
    No problem, though I'm going to bed right now. I'll be up in 7-8 hours, so hit me up whenever after that and I'd love to. My FC is in my information tab. Do you have any wants for nickname or hatch location?
    alrighty! :3 my fc is 3050 7831 0254, trainer name is aki :3 gonna add you in a few min
    oh sorry and yes ;v; could you name him Cyril please?
    hey i have an egg taht matches your sv value :) 807 right? could you hatch it for me? iv added you already :) my fc is 4210-4452-4122 and my ign is amar :) im on #shinyvalue on irc :) thanks in advance!!
    suresies, i'll be on in a mo as zeb
    which 1 of these do i breed next: np luke, some kind of mega blastoise idk but this 1 is bold, volcarona, rotom-washer, psn heal gliscor, mega zard x, mega zard y, GALVANTULA, cb talonbird, espeon, excadrill

    also a nice pentaflawless timid chandelure lol!
    mega zard y *o* i can get you a few babies of those to breed w/ too if you want!!
    Hey man, I saw that your SV is 807. I have a froakie egg with the SV value of 807, which is yours! I was wondering if you could hatch it for me. You can contact me on here (I just joined but I'm going to try and be more active) or you can contact me on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/wafflezzzzz/profile I would be really happy if you could hatch it for me! Thank you if you reply!
    can you still change other people avatar????
    if so, did you touch mine!!?
    no i can't do anything ;-; sry!!
    where you been lately :o
    was busy all day yday, will be on again soonish
    :) hope things are goin well for you~
    zeb can i try infracting you so i can see if i can reverse infractions
    go for it
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