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  • Let's set it up for Thursday at 9pm EDT, which I believe is 1am GMT, but you might want to double check that. Friday and Sunday can be alternatives if that does not work out.
    Hi old friend. It appears we are opponents for SPL 5 Semifinals. I'm EDT and will be available Thursday, Friday, and Sunday at a variety of times. Let me know what times you can be available.
    yo. we're opponents for OST. I'm GMT+11 and available most of the day during weekends and limited during weekdays (5:30pm+). it'd probably be best for us to play on a weekend. when are you available?
    Since you're on now we can play if you have time.
    Or if i just missed you then maybe give some times you will be able to play.
    Sorry, I couldnt get on the time you said, im having lots of problems to solve this week. =p
    is it possible we play on saturday? I can play any time you want.
    If its totally impossible I can make it Sunday and Friday night.
    Thursday I will be p busy, but if you can only play this day I can try showing up at night.
    so, I will have my computer again tomorrow (wednesday), so give me your schedule so we can play.
    I can play mostly at 6~11 pm gmt-3 and kinda any time in weekend if scheduled before.
    hey looks like we finally get to play that match! im gmt -7, can play whenever just find me on irc
    so liek we have to play for once upon a team tour, im est and available most evenings, hbu?
    I can most likely play every day around 6-7 pm GMT+1, I can also play in the early afternoon (1-3 pm); I can't play on saturday and today :[

    actually, if you give me precise times I can most likely do it whenever (still exclusing saturday, and most nights are unreliable times for me), so just tell me a good time for you
    Hey bro, heard u were really pro xD Wanna join my clan? We could really use you :p We have like 7 other pros, u might know some of em :P
    i'm done with exams now so i just have to build a team and then i'll let you know (not sure how long it'll take atm). Can you let me know your availabilities and timezone in the meantime?
    when do you want to play for upl i am vming you because i don't want a flip and i really want a great match
    :heart: but fo real if you ever wanna practice just pm me on irc im always game to pkmn battle. also im keeping my sig for shits n gigs
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