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  • Could you please help me with my password? I tried to login on another computer, but I can't log in, and I thought i should ask a staff member.
    P.S. I'm new, and I'm probably not supposed to be asking you this here.
    you should have at least linked me to the fucking post that my post was similar to. nobody really has time to go through a bunch of pages trying to see if somebody had a similar one.
    Sorry, but it works both ways. I've deleted over 50 posts in that thread; I don't have time to link reasoning for every deletion. It is easy enough to skim through and read the first few sentences of each concept to get an idea of what it's about.
    Brikal, I have question about CAP. This is the 1st time I've participated in one and submitted a concept but I got a little too ambitious and it got away from my original idea. Do you have an advice on the project concept phase and how to organize an idea for a new Poke?
    Yeah, why don't you send me what you've written up in a private message? I can review it there!
    Hey i heard you were one of the cooler nicer admins is there a way to check why some of the pokemon on the past bann list's were uber i want to see why thunderus I was uber at one point and some other pokes in the past and some of the newly bann's that have many counters but still take the OP state like blaziken and mega lucario
    Ahh, you've heard correctly. There's not a good centralized location with that information yet. You can read this article for some information, but it is by no means complete:

    Let me know if you have other questions =)
    I think that should be a new thing to help players no why this poke is in this teir or why it was in that teir in the past it'd help people who just want to know of the past. I play yugioh competitive and there's areas all over the web on why specific cards were banned and it's fun to know of these things
    Wait they might bann keldeo lol thats hilarious keldeo in my opinion is kind of terrible when i build my teams i often handle it without even thinking about it. Keldeo players must shake at the sound of jellicent and hidden power ghost doesn't really help much either when you can wil o wisp and revover stall
    Thank you Birkal. Outside of playing pokemon I enjoy discussing what-if mon's (currently in STABmons thread). I would like to get better in OU XY. Playing is helpful. I understand strategy. I'm currently testing out that SwagPlay which has been around since Liepard BW to see if I can formulate an opinion on it before posting.
    Sweet! Good luck with that. SwagPlay is pretty big at the moment.
    Hello Birkal, would it be possible for you to change my forum username from NainilJShah to just Nainil? It would be easier for people from PS to find me that way.
    hey birkal, jw, what happened to the section of the mentorship forum where mentor policy and stuff got discussed? was lookin for it but can only find the application section and the main section w/ the AMAs and Introduce Yourself thread and such
    Hey Birkal, youngjake93 is being really impatient with you. Trying to stop him from being a geodude6, but you might want to order against him and ref his hall soon.
    Introductions thread:
    >dont care how many posts you have
    >cant post here if 20+ posts already
    a fairy
    a fairy
    hello sMOGON i am new here,, i hope to have fun!!!

    - Mekkah
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