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  • Hello! Finally, Bonnie is ready (:
    I got a cute 6 ivs Limber Buneary (Ice punch, Switcheroo, Fake out and Encore), Jolly nature.
    My FC 3110-5360-4992
    Tell me if you can trade now, I'm available all day :P
    Thanks! :)
    Ok, thank you so much, mi ingame name is ALEX :)
    Thank you too :D
    Thanks for Fluttershy :D she will be in my new team :')
    Take care of Bonnie, if you need something you can tell me and I'll be glad to help you :)

    P.S. I hope you understand me, my English is not perfect :p
    Hey ! I finished breeding up the 2 Panchams for you! (sorry for taking so long, school just started for me) :] Just tell me when you can trade.
    As you might already know I am from austria and play all my games in german. So I could rng such a ditto for you tonight. Not promising anything as of right now, depends on my time/motivation tonight^^
    Hi, Clearly you're using the time machine method, you might have better luck getting a foreign all 0 magikarp and/or togepi and using an english all 29 ditto.

    If it helps, I have an all 0 magikarp in an egg and an all 29 ditto(english). You could get the egg hatch in a foreign language.
    I already have .coms breeding pair with 29 Ditto and 0 togepi, just wish I had a international pair so I could to increase the chance to lock into a shiny even thought I doubt its going to happen. :P An all 0 international togepi would work too since I prefer to have that gender ratio, but figured it might be harder to get with hidden ability.
    Hey Hamstrern! Saw your request for the Eevee. Since you've been helpful to me in the past, can get you a free spitback of the eevee free of charge if you wish. :)
    Hi. Just wondering if you saw my response on my profile where you posted that I can trade whenever?
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    No worries. Was asleep when you sent this so I'll try to catch you soon.
    Yeah try that :) I cannot see the info of activity so that makes it a bit harder for me to see when you are online, but guess some people want privacy ^^
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Ah, again this was like 2AM in the morning for me. I see you were on at like 7AM for me (an hour or so ago) so would it be better for me to try and catch you in the night for you or the morning for you? I'm good for either as long as it isn't too late.

    And yeah, sorry about that. I keep my status private.
    Hey, I have the Clauncher and Helioptile you requested ready for trade now :) Let me know when's a good time for you!

    Also, I can do the Heavy Ball Machop on your wants list if you're still looking for it.
    Your pokes are ready :] I can head online anytime today, Just tell me when you transfer over the pokes I asked for :]
    Hey, I've had your Celebi and Latias ready for the past week. never heard from you again :[
    Sorry but everytime I checking you profile you were active for like 30mins-1hour ago :/ I have you pokes ready as well :)
    Sorry about that as well. I guess I'll get your pokes and head online for the meantime to see if we can catch each other online :]
    Are you RNGing for a shiny Braviary?
    Apparently its impossible to remove the sandstorm in BW2 so will have to be non-shiny sadly :/
    Aww, that's too bad. :/ Either way there's a couple of things (namely those RNGs!) I like in your thread, will give you a CMT soon. :)
    Nice :)
    Hammy how are you? We havent talked in a longggggggggggggggggggggg time.
    aww, thats too bad (yeah shallow hammy but you can be picky :P), and yeah FB convo :D. Hows your job btw, still going nicely I hope? You can be at the concert, but a ticket to washington, buy a concert ticket and you'll be fine :P
    Hope you havign a good time, I'm going away this weekend so I can't even look for you on the streams ;__;
    Awwwwwwwww, happy you even thought of me ^^. I don't think I was anywhere remotely onstream but I did have a great time and whatnot :D Hope you had a nice weekend as well :D
    Hi, forgot to tell you I'll evolve the Cleffa to Clefairy for the Ability to change to Magic Guard. For whatever reason, when I evolved in X it stayed Cute Charm.
    Alright, got your Pokémon transfered and ready; I can trade whenever. Sorry for the delay, the spoiled Cleffa brat wanted 48 Rare Candies to evolve
    Thanks for the trade, enjoy the Pokés :)
    Lol xD Well, thanks for the trade :D
    Hey just wanted to let you know that I'm still trying to breed your Shiftry for you but I've missed my frame a ridiculous number of times x_x May shift to HG for fewer moving NPCs. Sorry about that!
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