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  • hey, i didnt see a thread for fullmetal alchemist in the great library, would i be allowed to post one?
    Sorry to bother you again, but can threads be deleted from Cong?
    It seems that the HeforShe thread has disappeared. Can the same thing be done to the MENSA post as well?
    chaos deleted the heforshe thread, but yes i can delete mensa too if you want.
    Yes please , thank you
    Yeah, I guess I should apologize for degrading the quality of the HeForShe thread. I honestly should have just ignored mako's post, but meh, it's over and done with.
    I'm not about to infract people for foul language as long as they bring an argument to support it. I agree that some posts like firestorms are a little too much on the aggressive side, but he's also disputing a point (little effort is required to overcome human instinct), and once people have responded to it I feel far less inclined to delete a chain of discussion.
    ey, if you delete more posts it will make me feel better for being away for all the drama precipitating the locking of thread <3, js.
    I didn't delete them chaos and Aldaron did. I was away too =(
    help billymills why are you not online :(
    bs. Also your conversation below with Kingpoleon is excellent. I am a NEET now. Hit me up on IRC sometime man. Been ages.
    on that circuit applet, you can make a blank circuit and build stuff yourself if you didn't see that. the interface is weird but it's amazing for checking work.
    There are other amazing apps on his website too. my favorites are the wave guides, the magnetic / electric field (in 2d and 3d!) and the fourier series one. Seriously amazing for whatever your emphasis is.
    In this year of our Lord MMXIV,

    I'm hoping, seeing how you and I are close acquaintances, that you may, one day, choose to use the social networking site Facebook to grace this young man with your presence, so that I may be able to fulfill my ultimate goal in life.

    may Truth and Love prevail.
    someone sent me drunk snapchats of himself last night after he got mugged, though granted, someone did stop the mugger from actually stealing his phone/wallet.
    omg i lol'd reading Deck's OP, and then the first response: completely off topic
    Deck can start any topic he wants, but ugh...
    I was looking for you on IRC and was writing up a VM to make fun of you before I noticed you pre-empted me (accidentally highlighted the post !), very astute
    Yo, you mind if I PM you some cong hypothetical thread ideas late today / tomorrow? My internet actually went down the day after I posted that thread, and obviously it wasn't really a good one either for discussion, so I want to actually think of an idea that is actually conducive to the concept!
    Would it be ok to make a speedrunning thread in Cong? There was an OI one but that's old and obviously this wouldn't apply to only Pokemon. If yes, general Cong or The Great Library? Sorry if this is annoying but it's better to ask before the thread gets locked or something.
    Great Library for general speed running.
    If you want a speedrunning contest of any sorts, you can use Circus for non pokemon games, or Orange Islands for pokemon games.
    I said the essay was about **animals** in sport so of course I would use a cow as an example instead of a tomato :/
    Then you clearly don't understand the point of my post.
    when do u want me to rip ur anus a new one. :o
    saturday at like 8 EST or sunday. right in the middle of finals atm.
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