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  • Can you clone some stuff for me? :o
    Yep. Pokemon from box 1 cloned to box 2. Can be holding items as well. Please note that trading 30 pokemon generally takes 30 minutes, so trading/cloning+trading (originals+clones) will take 90 minutes (roughly an hour and a half). The box does not need to be full in order to clone, so we can do a smaller number too.
    Hmm ok, I'll get back to you on that
    No worries, I'll be in and out for a few hours yet. :)
    Hey, you just popped up online. Do you want to do the triple battles now?
    Whiskey Tango
    Whiskey Tango
    Oh, is that what happened? Here I was thinking it was still on.

    Well, whatever then.
    I don't think it's off, per se, just stalled until someone else gets picked. I don't know for sure, though.
    You guys should just continue to play the matches, everything should proceed fine without him. If you need anything, message me.
    So I just started playing Awakening (my first game in the series) and now I appreciate your avatars more xD
    I always stick with Tactician/Grandmaster haha, it makes them unique! And yeah I like to have HP too, take hits like a boss.

    As for kids I just pair whoever is the best together imo, I play for the story LOL
    I play TO WIN. I planned the kids out, made sure all the boys that could inherited gale force (so totally broken. Gale Force!Owain as a sorcerer in particular is just...wow), and collected a bunch of the best skills for my unit and the rest. My team slays the late game, lol, and doesn't break a sweat.

    Here is how the stat modifiers for MU work, I believe:
    Disregard the above link, it is not as good as this (which is clearer and more concise, since it was written to be an article, not a forum post). http://winterfate.hubpages.com/hub/My-Unit-Tips-and-Tricks-for-Fire-Emblem-Awakening

    I kinda get that I'm essentially giving advice about EV training for people's in-game teams (which is to say, min/maxing advice on a "normal" mode playthrough, where most decisions work equally well), so I won't gnaw your ears off much more about this (unless you guys ask me to).

    I'm pretty enthusiastic about this game, though, so I know a lot, lol. ^_^
    The Wi-Fi blacklist thread has a lot of funny posts too, like Yiggaman lol
    I didn't realize at first what a COPPA ban was, so I didn't immediately report him. One of the people in Wifi I chat with informed me what it meant, and reported him. Should be the most recent profile post on his original YO FACE account. As a mod, you can still see stuff on banned accounts, yeah?
    Yeah, I'm reading it right now, haha. I'm surprised he outright admitted it and even acknowledged that he knew it was illegal lol.

    Also you should PM me the screenshot :o
    Done. :)
    Hey EnGarde, I'm available for the Mawile trade right now if you are. Although I won't be able to help you train any Pokes this week I'm afraid, rl has caught up to me :( I promise to make it up to you soon though!
    Sounds good. Going online now. :)
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    Thanks so much! (And for the mega stone too, you sweetie <3)
    No problem! Plus, if mawile is cute, mega mawile is twice the level of awesome! Thanks for scatterbug. I'll probably level it up right now and put it in my collection next to my uncompetitive pokeball and fancy vivs, lol.
    I was looking through your thread and I saw this on your kingdra: "I honestly can't remember why I EV'd this pokemon the way I did" -- I'm breeding a kingdra for something, and 172 speed lets you outspeed scarf garchomp in the rain. I don't know why the HP and SpA are the way you have them though :S
    Lol, still working through my alerts. ^_^ Thanks for sharing! I probably maxed the HP to try and set up focus energy for a fast crit!dra, which...probably is sub-optimal to maxing out sp.atk.

    Ah well, once I have the distribution fully updated again, I can go back to practicing with my teams, and I'll know for sure.
    So apparently we have to play some triples for the Battle Spot tournament. When're you up for it?
    Whiskey Tango
    Whiskey Tango
    Oh. I just totally missed that then. That's cool. I'll check back in once it's trained (still have to do Speed and HP). Fair warning: I haven't been able to find any reports or anything to back up my spread, but nearly ubiquitously they've gone with a stupid 252/252 Attack/Speed I can find no point in.
    Whiskey Tango
    Whiskey Tango
    EDIT -- Weeeeell, apparently that Tyranitar stat wasn't correct (was given to me by someone else, but just checked it). I'll get back to you on that one.
    No worries. :) I'll credit you with the spread when you've finished it, and write in the notes section what it's supposed to do, same as with the synchronoise gardevoir. :)
    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday about the Mawile but I had a bit of a family emergency. I know, I'm just full of excuses lol. Anyway I'm back in college so I'll only be able to trade during the evenings, about 8-10am your mornings. I think you'd be busy during those times though, so if not we can just trade over the weekend :)
    You can check after I start adding them. I'm adding the first batch (Kanto) now. :)
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    Most definitely! EV-training and level-grinding aren't as time consuming as breeding so I'd be happy to help! I'll check them out and let you know later, got to dash off to class :3
    Good luck! Study hard, and hope for no pop quizzes, lol. :3
    Where do you get gifs of Lucina

    I am asking for a friend
    I've been googling for them. I can PM you some of the best ones I've got so far.
    Hey friend c: re your distribution thread, I was wondering where you stood on cloning your giveaways. I have a couple of things I'd be interesting in donating, it's just that I'd like the originals back if you could. lmk cccc:
    Sending the original back to you is no problem at all. Thanks very much for considering a donation. I'll start a PM, where it is much easier to discuss. :)
    Hey, I was going to give away some hex timer ball naive Absol with Knock Off/Superpower tomorrow (probably around 5). Is there any chance you could clone the one I have? You can keep one for giving away in your thread if you'd like. You're the only person I know who clones, so thought I'd ask!
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