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  • My IM address is, thats probs the best way for us to contact each other, otherwise we are just going to keep on missing each other.
    That works fine with me, just give me a message when your online or alternatively you might be able to find me on skarmbliss server of PO under the name of Captain_CM
    Hi, I am playing you in Smogon's VGC tourny, when do u want to play. I am on the British Summer Timezone (GMT+1)
    I see from Ditto that you don't need anything til at least Nats LCQ. My internet is all screwed up with a virus atm so I'll have to find you later =X Sorry!!!!!!!
    Sure. A few things I would like to know.

    [1] Who recommended you contact me?
    [2] Which VGC are you going to?
    [3] Eved or UT?
    [4] Any nicknames?
    Yeah I can trade those to you tomorrow! Just lmk what you'd like me to nickname Hitmontop for you! =)
    Oh sorry! I thought I replied haha- are those the ones you definitely need for your team? I just prefer to do as few trades as possible =P But yeah you can just have them.
    Is Groudon the only thing you need? Everything is free to you for VGCs. I do this all the time =P

    Ahhh please don't bump my thread again =X Just VM me. Random pestering noobs will nag me like they normally do about EV training hahaha Sorry I shoulda said something!
    If you need pokes for your VGC team, feel free to take any of the ones you need from my thread. It needs updated, but most of my things are displayed there. =)
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