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  • Type physic is super effective vs fighting and poison.
    Type ghost is super effective vs physic and ghost.
    Type Steel is super effective vs rock and ice.
    Type Flying is super effective vs Grass, bug and fighting
    Type Bug is super effective vs dark, physic and grass.
    Type normal isn't super effective against anything
    Type Poison is super effective against grass.
    Type Rock is super effective vs fire, ice, bug and flying.
    Type Dragon is super effective vs dragon
    Type Ice is super effective vs Dragon, ground, Grass and flying.
    Type Fighting is super effective vs Dark, Normal and steel.
    Type Dark is super effective vs Physic and ghost.
    Type Ground is super effective vs Rock, steel, electric and fire.
    Ok here is some tips:
    Type Fire is super effective vs grass, bug, steel and ice types.
    Type Water is super effective vs Fire, Rock, and groud.
    Type Electric is super effective vs Flying and Water.
    Type Grass is super effective vs water, rock and ground.
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