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  • Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet thank you so much ;o;
    People here are so unhelpful sometimes xD
    But you're always so helpful :D
    I'm leaving to somewhere I can't use wifi on my Ds from tomorrow(Friday) after 12:00 until Monday, so if we're not on together then we'll have to wait to Monday.
    My internet's out so I'm using my bro's phone that can generate a hotspot so I havent been to the DW yet though I really want to xD

    Been trying to figure out how to make clones in fifth gen. Apparently I can't as I don't have the right stuff xOx

    My brother wants a copy of my DW Vulpix go figure xD

    I was playing a lot of halo reach while the forums were down made it all the way to the rank of Major :O
    Lol, bad timing again. I just finished two more rngs, a modest Joltick and jolly Archen. Could you clone me two copies of those as well? You can keep copies and if you want more of their details just ask.
    ACK! The forum was pruned to cut down on lag and wifi was baleted D:
    Reminds me of april fools except this is not a joke xD
    How ya been?
    Before pointing your finger at me,read what I wrote.Hope this is the last time I have to answer.
    To be honest its Hamsterns and she says no redis even If I had a partner trade thread :(. Can you put a focus sash on it If you have an extra one?
    I honestly need this one pokemon lv up. you can get a credit but I need a copy of before and after.
    Okay, it's 2 Purrloins I need checked, they're level 8, so that's why I couldn't do it myself >_<
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