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  1. Tricking/Freerunning/Parkour Thread

    During the summer I use to dedicated most of my summer towards Parkour. Now since school hit I can only find time to practice one day a week. It becomes harder when fall hits considering that I'm be busy with school until late at night. Plus the shorter days now makes my usual practice time too...
  2. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    True dat. Anyway, enough of my rambles on the game. Anyone who wants to hit me up: Stream: CheshireCrab
  3. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    After a considerable amount of playing I was surprised on how much easier playing TF2 was on the computer than the 360. I instantly got the hang of the controls and started ranking up to the Top 5 every match. Although, this could be because I am already familiar with TF2 and have spent an...
  4. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (RoA Version + resource links)

    I think he was just using that as an example. I was confused about that too. Either way Gen III can not trade with Gen II and below. Nintendo lazily tried to fix this by doing a thing called "Migrating Pokemon". They made it impossible to trade Generation IV games to Generation III, rather you...
  5. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

    Are you talking about the same game quality wise? Because as advance as the 3DS is, I don't think it'll be able to handle the same quality as the WiiU.
  6. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    Sounds a lot like how I play the game on Xbox Live, so I'm don't think I'm going to have any problems with it for the PC. The only complaint I have is that it's taking FOREVER for the updates for the game to download. >.>
  7. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    Yeah, but is that the only limitation in the free version?
  8. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

    Agree, I apologize I stated up this needless debate into the thread. Everyone is entitled to their preferences to the franchise so something as silly as which takes more skill shouldn't be brought into a thread dedicated to loving the franchise as a whole.
  9. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (RoA Version + resource links)

    If they can't learn them in the older generation then they can't learn them in the older generation. Let's say it was possible to trade my LG/FR Pokemon to the first gen. games. I still wouldn't be able to trade my Charmander if it knows metal claw onto to any of the Generation I games because...
  10. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    Besides not being able to accept friend requests, what other limitations does the free version have compared to the paid?
  11. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (RoA Version + resource links)

    What would be an effective way to catch Latios/Latias without having to save my Masterball?
  12. Your most Memorable moment from Gold/Silver

    Not running into one, but three shinys through one gameplay (including the shiny gyrados) in Pokemon Gold. You can only imagine how excited I was to successfully capture and reach the final evolution of all the shinys. Now imagine how devastated I was when I turned on my Pokemon Gold and found...
  13. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

    Personally, I think you have to do more work for all characters to be good in melee. Kirby is hands down, my favorite Nintendo character, it shouldn't come as a surprise I would prefer him out of the list in both melee and brawl. What I found really wonderful was how Brawl up'd the damage ratio...
  14. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

    I've managed to pick up Brawl in a matter of hours. Melee, even after months of playing the game, I am still "Just decent". Brawl is undoubtedly easier because the physics engine has made the game slower. Comboing is a strong technique used in fighting games, and melee is no exception. No...
  15. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

    Can we stop fighting and just all get along? =/ Anyway, my main problem with Brawl is how ridiculously easy it has become that even gamers who have never played the franchise can find themselves kicking ass.
  16. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    Omg, nerdgasm. =D Team Fortress 2 was the reason I got Xbox Live, and when my subscription ended I was irritated I couldn't live in it's glory again. Although as both a PC and Xbox gamer I already know the difference is going to be really difficult to adjust too. Regardless, I'm going to log...
  17. Tricking/Freerunning/Parkour Thread

    I absolutely love Parkour. Became interested about 1 year, 30 pounds, ago and I instantly fell for it. I had to self-teach myself parkour and found myself messing up quite a bit. I eventually found a Parkour community called "Urban Current" that posts tutorial videos on almost everything...
  18.  What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

    Every time I look at Latios I always question what it would look like as a ghost-type. Can someone make that?
  19. Iamslow's 'Art' Thread (NOW WITH GIFS)

    The face on Lillpup is priceless.