League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I just played a ranked game where I was lastpick (lame, I know). For those of you who don't know, picks are assigned in order of rating. You want your top picks playing carries, and your lower picks playing tanks and supports.

So I went jungling with Amumu. Compared to Udyr, Amumu is a worse jungler, and lacks the sheer jungle control and counterjungling skills that Udyr possesses. I was facing an enemy Udyr, and he had a Primal skin. Things looked bad...

Except he didn't invade me once. I jacked his wraiths multiple times, and I scored multiple successful ganks. When their Udyr was farming bot, I saw our Baron opportunity, and called it, and Smited it to save it from a Lux ult. It was one of the best games I ever played.

But I didn't mention the creepscores. At 14 minutes into the game, the enemy Karthus had 100 cs, and our Ashe had 99. That is amazing, and it is something I know I can't do without using a hero like Cho'Gath or Sion. So I'm happy with my rating now, because it represents where I am as a player.

Still pretty funny that I probably can't lasthit with most characters anymore, since I jungle so much.
na frieddimsum i just play whatever i feel like with no regard to team composition when i solo queue. i usually play carries (ad like ashe and ap like vlad, even shen because a well played shen can carry a team through not dying) because 90% of solo queue players are terribad

when i play premade i'll do stuff like jungle, play support, etc

so many feedmos this week, but it's to be expected. also bad ad mordekaisers, and bad tank mordekaisers. i want to try out gragas again, last time i played him i got rolled so it'd be interesting to see how much i've improved since last time i played him

the highest ap i've ever hit was something like 880 with that malzahar build i posted a while ago
How often a day do you guys get people who always focus on flaming you and ignoring others who do bad things?

It seems like if I talk, I'm always the one who's focused...

Games are supposed to be fun and not a spastic tardfest of flamefags.
there are spastics in every game, it's just that in a team like LoL where you have to talk to win the spastics can't stay silent. that's why i don't talk unless i'm playing with friends, i let my actions do the talking (going 15/4/11 as vlad for example, everyone will pretty much have to listen to you at that point)

this is a pretty good guide
for anybody who wants to change their mindset to one of a winner. i show this to all new players. the only part that i'd dispute is the bit where he suggests champions to play, most of them are quite poor at higher levels of play for various reasons. but if you want to learn the game, definitely have a look
I'm gonna stop talking and concentrate on just what's happening from now on. I'm so social that it kills my playing ability. My 800~ elo reflects that; I win some and lose quite a bit more.

Pessimism breeds failure and optomism breeds success
Wow, thanks for that link.


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Oh, I wish I had seen this sooner. I play League of Legends decently competitively with some old Smogoners (red13n, Sir Chris, etc.) and we joined the EMS Qualifier Cups and put on some good matches against 2000+ ELO people that resulted in loss, but barely.

If anyone from here wants to add me my account name is "skarmCA"
Woah, Skarm is good. I would love to play with you sometime, and yeah, we should get together a team of Smogoners so we can do some 5-man premades. I think Thorns is about to reach 30, I'm there, and I dunno about others.

EDIT: sent you a message, I'm Rocketball.

@Mike B: I'm not a great player, but I'm 1400 (peak: 1509), so if you need any pointers, feel free to ask. One thing that Dan Dinh told me was that a good way to rise in Elo is by playing Sion (AP) and practicing last-hitting, which is quite easy with Sion.

I don't know if you're heard of Camera, but he purposefully tanked his Elo down to the negatives, then rose up to 1800+ again. And he wrote about it. He suggests playing junglers and DPS softcarries, like Shaco, Udyr, and WW. Most DPS softcarries are pretty bad now, tbh, so I would disregard that part of his advice.


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Skarm sounds really good O_O

Have you guys gamed with big names like TreeEskimo, Regi, bigfatjiji, Hotshot, Chauster, etc?
I know of them, but haven't played with them. I'm only ranked around 1300 myself, but when you get a cohesive team together you can do a lot better than that. Granted, I should be higher, but I don't solo queue enough to get myself out of ELO Hell. The way I figure I am probably around 1450-1550 if I am being honest and would stop getting miserable teammates. Don't assume I am 2000 level myself just because of what I said before.

Like I mentioned with a good cohesive team you beat people who are individually higher, or at least give them a really good game. Teams that average around 1400-1550 we usually destroy.

I've played against Voyboy, Rolos, Pobelter, Naryt, etc. in tournaments like ESL, though.
i played with jiji in a normal queue once. was the most random thing. he carried with anivia. at the time i had no idea who he was
I started playing Morgana about a week ago and she's just amazing I don't even play with other champs anymore. She can handle 2vs1's better than any other champ imo. In the pick below Veigar and Rammus were laning against me and i killed each of them around 4 times.

I rarely see other Morganas, seen about four in the 160+ games I've played, but I guess that's because there is a learning curve. But seriously Morgana is an absolute beast , very difficult to gank, and a fantastic support with black shield and her snare which have let me save countless teammates from death


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Ugh. I just solo queued ranked with Sion and went 22-5-10 or something close to that, and lost. This is why I pretty much don't bother with solo queue or try not to care about the rating I get. Besides it is much more fun surprising the 2000+ ELO people in tournaments when they see 1230... :)
Ugh. I just solo queued ranked with Sion and went 22-5-10 or something close to that, and lost. This is why I pretty much don't bother with solo queue or try not to care about the rating I get. Besides it is much more fun surprising the 2000+ ELO people in tournaments when they see 1230... :)
My last solo had 2 people with no idea how to play their champs and someone who afk'd

I think my brain exploded, and that makes for 6 losses in a row. Fuck damnit shit
hit 30 today. the game that boosted me to 30 involved me laning with a xin zhao as sona, feeding him last hits, then smashing my head on the keyboard during team fights and somehow getting 6 kills, 22 assists while only dying twice because they dogpiled on me the moment i showed my incredibly attractive face

also pulled off my first ever death lotus triple kill. feels good man. also did baron at level 10
sometimes you're just playing heroes that aren't supposed to be getting farm, like supports or very item-independent heroes. remember that every autoattack you throw out is pushing your lane closer to the enemy tower, so most of the time you want to autoattack only to last hit. learn your hero's attack animation. urgot is hard to time last hits with, whereas ashe and yi have it easier. if you must, use your spells to last hit. people without mana excel at this, like how shen uses his vorpal to last hit, and morde using all three of his skills (lol jk morde just facerolls and gains cs)

playing annie teaches you how to time last hits, since her q is free if you kill with it. irelia also works, her q is partly refunded if you kill with it, as well as its cooldown going off

and if all else fails just look for empty lanes with creep build ups and hit your aoe. nasus, morgana, malz etc. i don't suggest you jungle too much because like mtr, i think i lose some of my last hitting skills when i jungle. last hitting takes practice, you can't 100% farm every wave your first time. i, admittedly, am not a good last hitter. i probably only manage 4 out of the 6 creeps that spawn, unless i'm playing an easy last hitter like yi. i'm espeically bad with vladimir, i often resort to using q and e to salvage last hits because i don't like his attack animation. this ends up in me pushing the lane and forcing myself to pool often because i overextend

also remember the longer the game the less relevant cs becomes! sometimes you'll see a hero definitely not suited for farming such as alistar gain lots of cs because he pushes lanes all game, even into late game. the hardest part of laning, i think, is making sure you keep up in cs while keeping your enemy's health low. also random question i wanted to poll the smogon lol community on

what is a more intense experience - gaining first blood, or giving it? what do you get more worked up about?
I probably hate giving first blood more than I love getting it, simply because the nature of the game usually means that some random on your team is going to blast you for it. Plus, you usually miss out on key xp in the early phase, setting up the lane opponents to continue to be higher level than you and setting you up for more deaths.

I tend to like higher-damage characters above tanks and supports, so if I don't get the first kill/assist in my lane it usually sets me up to do poorly for the match x_x


I Like Chopin
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I've got a bug report for Riot...

I was just playing a game as Cho'Gath. Near the end, the enemy Nunu used his Ultimate. So I hit him with Rupture to cancel it. Only instead of getting knocked into the air, he got knocked so far up he got stuck outside of the map.

I super killed him


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sometimes you're just playing heroes that aren't supposed to be getting farm, like supports or very item-independent heroes. remember that every autoattack you throw out is pushing your lane closer to the enemy tower, so most of the time you want to autoattack only to last hit. learn your hero's attack animation. urgot is hard to time last hits with, whereas ashe and yi have it easier. if you must, use your spells to last hit. people without mana excel at this, like how shen uses his vorpal to last hit, and morde using all three of his skills (lol jk morde just facerolls and gains cs)
There are very few heroes who should not be gaining farm. Some of them are like Blitzcrank because you are gaining kills instead, but nearly all heroes, support included, should be going over 60 CS in a game. Early on as heroes such as Shen in a duo lane you'll want to farm your Heart of Gold and then let your partner (assuming it is someone doing damage) farm from there and you take what they miss.

There is absolutely no way you should be below 100 CS in an average game. Of course, the number of CS varies depending on the length of the game. A walkover game will give you less, and a game going over an hour should have people topping 250-300 CS or more.

If you are only hitting 60 CS as an average per game you need to work on your farming. No matter how good you may be with a hero you are still lacking if you cannot buy items. Another good champion to practice last hitting with is Veigar, and utilizing his Q to farm AP (If you kill a unit with Veigar's Q you gain 1 AP permanently). Another option is Nasus using his ability that stacks damage with every use.

also remember the longer the game the less relevant cs becomes! sometimes you'll see a hero definitely not suited for farming such as alistar gain lots of cs because he pushes lanes all game, even into late game. the hardest part of laning, i think, is making sure you keep up in cs while keeping your enemy's health low. also random question i wanted to poll the smogon lol community on
I disagree. CS is very important in long games too. There is going to be a big difference between teams that are evenly matched (if the game is going on long there is at least some even matching) when one has 125 as an average and the other team has 200. That is basically the different between another full item and not. You should never stop farming whenever there is an open lane, or even if there isn't, but that doesn't mean to say you should let the other team run rampant. There are just other things you need to be away of such as Baron, Dragon, and coordinated team fighting. When these aren't going on late game you should still be farming when safe (don't run off way up a lane alone to farm because you will die.

Don't ever risk giving first blood to gain first blood. It is a nice bonus, but a huge problem if you give it even in a trade situation. In addition to the extra gold they got the experience from your death, and you got nothing from theirs.
If you know you can get a kill, but will die in the process, then you need to consider the scaling of both heroes. For example, if you're Kog'Maw diving a Soraka, go ahead, since you scale a lot better than Soraka. But if you're Pantheon diving an Udyr, you shouldn't do it since Udyr scales better than Pantheon.

And yeah, Thorns is right, I jungle so much that I've forgotten how to lasthit with most heroes. It's a bad way to go, and I don't recommend you do it.
though conversely if you want to mix up your early game, and you're bored of laning you can jungle. jungle in moderation, you don't want to be the guy that has to jungle warwick every game because your team doesn't know how to, or wants to play a squishy nuker in top solo

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