League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Invictus Gaming - Pdd (Yorick) / illuSioN (Skarner) / zz1tai (Vladimir) / Kid (Corki) / XiaoXiao (Alistar)
Counter Logic Gaming Prime
- Voyboy (Diana) / HotshotGG (Dr. Mundo) / bigfatlp (Cassiopeia) / Doublelift (Graves) / Chauster (Lulu)
Bans: Sivir / Olaf / Draven / Ezreal / Jayce / Shen

- iG take CLG's blue in an early invade while iG's blue goes to Pdd
- Kid picks up first blood on Doublelift after a very long camp bottom lane by illuSioN
- CLG bait a dive on middle lane and pick up a kill on XiaoXiao
- iG comes within 3 points of killing bigfatlp, but also enabling a blue steal
- iG take bottom tower at 11 minutes
- iG take dragon at 14 minutes
iG capitalise on a botched CLG invade to take out Voyboy
- CLG collapse on mid tower at 17 minutes
iG take out top tower at 18 minutes
CLG pick up an isolated kill on XiaoXiao near dragon
- Doublelift gets suppressed and killed, allowing iG to take out mid tower as Voyboy takes out top tower at 20 minutes
CLG ambushes Pdd and XiaoXiao as iG take dragon at 20 minutes
CLG take out bottom tower at 21 minutes, exposing the map for both teams
- iG ambush HotshotGG in the jungle for an easy kill, giving them a 25 minute Baron, while XiaoXiao, bigfatlp and Voyboy die
- iG take out CLG's second mid tower and drag HotshotGG out again for another kill at 26 minutes
- iG rotate top for a 27 minute inner tower
- CLG sneak a 27 minute dragon
- iG pursue Chauster and eventually kill him

Game Notes
- illuSioN's map presence on Skarner outdid HotshotGG's superior farming
- CLG's lanes were constantly pressured and were unable to come out on top due to the jungle pressure
- Oracles Elixir played a major role in iG's inability to push for a midgame victory
- CLG's team composition was mostly inferior to iG's
SK Gaming- kev1n (Irelia) / Araneae (Alistar) / ocelote (Karthus) / YellOwStar (Caitlyn) / Nyph (Sona)
Azubu Frost - Shy (Singed) / CloudTemplar (Shen) / RapidStar (Anivia) / Woong (Corki) / MadLife (Lux)
Bans: Vladimir / Skarner / Jax / Twisted Fate / Ezreal / Orianna

- Frost invade right away, taking away Aranaea's red
- Frost open up the game with a dragon after slowly grinding out the laning phase for 11 minutes
Shy leads Aranaea on a chase as he takes out top tower at 12 minutes, while Woong and MadLife die at bottom in exchange for first blood on Nyph
- RapidStar drops SK's mid tower after a slow grind at 14 minutes
ocelote attempts to save kev1n, but dies for his efforts to RapidStar and Shy
- RapidStar and CloudTemplar collapse on and kill kev1n as he chases Shy
- Woong gets caught by SK's bottom lane and dies after getting the final outer turret at 16 minutes
- SK take out dragon at 17 minutes
Shy baits kev1n into RapidStar once again for a kill
- A jungle skirmish results in Aranaea and ocelote dropping in exchange for CloudTemplar
- SK chase Frost too deep, resulting in all but kev1n dropping
- Frost punch through middle lane to take out the inhibitor at 23 minutes
Frost group on top lane to take out the inner tower at 25 minutes
CloudTemplar's split pushing drops SK's bottom inner tower at 26 minutes
- MadLife picks up a double kill with long range damage from Frost, handing them a 26 minute Baron
- Frost take dragon at 27 minutes
Frost take out the respawned inhibitor at 28 minutes
- Shy goes hard in the paint to take out SK's AD/Support combo at the Nexus

Game Notes
- An AP build on Singed gave him significant damage as he was allowed to freefarm due to ineffective Alistar ganks
- Woong's failings in the bottom lane weren't enough for SK to mount a comeback as their solo lanes were dominated
- Cohesive play by all of Frost dominated SK and extinguished any chance for a win
SK Gaming - kev1n (Jayce) / Araneae (Shen) / ocelote (Lux) / YellOwStar (Ezreal) / Nyph (Nunu)
Counter Logic Gaming Prime
- Voyboy (Diana) / HotshotGG (Cho'gath) / bigfatlp (Orianna) / Doublelift (Graves) / Chauster (Lulu)
Bans: Sivir / Olaf / Sona / Alistar / Gangplank / Irelia

- Doublelift steals SK's red buff to start off with a huge bottom lane advantage
- YellOwStar picks up first blood and a double kill in bot lane, with Chauster getting a kill on him in revenge
- Multiple Teleports are used bottom lane, giving CLG kills on YellOwStar, Nyph and Aranaea in exchange for Doublelift
- kev1n takes CLG's top tower at 14 minutes
- kev1n and ocelote are handily dropped by all five of CLG for a dragon at 16 minutes
CLG's Promoted minion helps them take out SK's bottom tower at 18 minutes
SK finally pushes down CLG's bottom tower at 20 minutes
SK grind a 25 minute mid tower
- CLG respond with a 25 minute dragon
- HotshotGG gets caught, but Doublelift responds with a take on bottom tower at 28 minutes
- CLG finally takes out mid tower with Promote pressure in the top lane at 30 minutes
- CLG narrowly secures a 32 minute dragon
- SK takes a free Baron at 33 minutes
- Chauster and bigfatlp drop in exchange for SK's bottom inhibitor at 34 minutes
SK take out CLG's middle inhibitor while Doublelift pushes in on the Nexus
- All of SK recall to defend against Doublelift as bigfatlp and Voyboy Teleport in

Game Notes
- Triple Teleport and Promote applied pressure to SK the entire game
- The combination of Diana, Lulu, Orianna and Cho'gath applied massive AoE CC pressure to SK in teamfights
- Superior mobility ultimately won the game for CLG
Holy shit that was the craziest ending to a game ever.
SK played that almost perfectly for a really long time. Avoided teamfights and were able to pick off Hotshot GG and make some good plays. They were able to push nicely at the end there but that teleporting+Graves solo pushing did it.
Azubu Frost - Shy (Jax) / CloudTemplar (Maokai) / RapidStar (Karthus) / Woong (Miss Fortune) / MadLife (Sona)
Counter Logic Gaming Prime - Voyboy (Olaf) / HotshotGG (Dr. Mundo) / bigfatlp (Cassiopeia) / Doublelift (Graves) / Chauster (Lulu)
Bans: Orianna / Evelynn / Alistar
/ Shen / Skarner / Ezreal

- CLG blow up the first bottom wave then take Frost's red
- HotshotGG and bigfatlp catch CloudTemplar in the jungle for first blood
- HotshotGG executes a simple gank on Shy for a kill
- CloudTemplar catches bigfatlp at wraiths, allowing RapidStar to pick up a kill
- All of CLG but HotshotGG fall in a series of skirmishes, only taking MadLife with them
- HotshotGG dies near dragon
- CloudTemplar ganks Doublelift in the bottom lane assisted by a Karthus ult
- bigfatlp kills CloudTemplar in a 1v1 while Shy picks up a double kill on HotshotGG and Voyboy
- CLG's bottom tower falls at 12 minutes
- Frost take a 13 minute dragon
- Doublelift takes Frost's bottom tower at 15 minutes
- Frost sneak a Baron at 15 minutes, while Voyboy and bigfatlp fall, taking out CloudTemplar
- Frost groups up to take out CLG's middle tower at 16 minutes
- Shy knocks down CLG's top tower at 18 minutes
- Shy kills Voyboy at top while CLG's inner bottom turret falls at 19 minutes
- Frost take dragon at 20 minutes
- Frost take a 22 minute Baron, as HotshotGG fails a steal attempt and Shy kills Doublelift in an isolated skirmish at bottom
- Frost take out CLG's middle inhibitor at 23 minutes
- Shy dies as Voyboy and bigfatlp get taken out and Frost destroys CLG's bottom inhibitor at 24 minutes
- CLG's inner top turret falls easily at 25 minutes
- HotshotGG and bigfatlp fall as Frost move through CLG's top inhibitor, slay Doublelift and take the Nexus.

Game Notes
- Creative early play from CLG shot them to a lead, but simple mistakes gave Frost the reins
- Shy and RapidStar were immense presences, dealing incredible damage to all of CLG throughout the game
- CloudTemplar's Maokai secured kills for Frost to mount their comeback
Thanks a lot for the game recaps Thorns, I missed a few of the games so these have been helpful. However, do you think you could at least put the summoner names next to their champions? I don't really know most of the players in these Group matches, so I have no idea who is who in your recaps, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Invictus Gaming- Pdd (Malphite) / illuSioN (Shen) / zz1tai (Cassiopeia) / Kid (Ezreal) / XiaoXiao (Leona)
SK Gaming- kev1n (Jayce) / Araneae (Udyr) / ocelote (Karthus) / YellOwStar (Corki) / Nyph (Nunu)
Bans: Orianna / Twisted Fate / Alistar / Yorick / Vladimir / Sona

- illuSioN botches a Flash taunt on the bottom lane and dies for first blood
- illuSioN returns to bottom lane to pick up a kill on XiaoXiao
- illuSioN loops around to dive YellOwStar and hand Kid a kill
- iG responds to Araneae's ganking the bot lane with a Shen ultimate, handing illuSioN a double kill
- iG take SK's bottom tower at 10 minutes
- SK respond with a dragon at 11 minutes
- ocelote gets dived by four of iG for a kill and middle tower at 13 minutes
iG take out dragon at 17 minutes
- iG take out kev1n and then top tower at 18 minutes
- SK collapse on illuSioN as he clears a ward, while iG respond with quick kills on kev1n and Araneae at top, leading them to take out the inner turret at 22 minutes
- iG take a 22 minute Baron easily
- SK respond by destroying iG's outer mid tower then killing dragon at 23 minutes
- iG take SK's bottom inner tower at 25 minutes
- iG initiate on the bottom inhibitor, taking out all but Nyph and only losing Pdd at 28 minutes
- iG and SK trade supports while SK throw everything at Kid

Game Notes
- Immense pressure on YellOwStar and Nyph by illuSioN snowballed the bot lane in iG's favour
- An overall weak teamcomp on SK's part ultimately lost them the game
Worlds Championship Update - Group A End
Azubu Frost and Invictus Gaming have stormed their group to move onto the quarterfinals. They will face Team SoloMid and Moscow Five, respectively. Just a few thoughts I have on the four teams we've seen so far.

SK Gaming
They performed pretty much as expected. While they had some characteristically strong moments, I did not believe they would win a single game in their group, and I was proven right. They are just not of the same calibre as the other teams in this tournament.

Counter Logic Gaming Prime
They had flashes of brilliance but I feel they may have underestimated their opposition a bit. They pulled out the classic 3TP/Promote strategy against SK, winning in classic fashion, but when playing standard against iG and Frost, they threw away advantages which ultimately led to losses. I feel they would have probably beaten iG or Frost if they had just pulled out the cheese they were working on sooner. The wave clear + red steal at the beginning of their Azubu Frost game was original and created advantages across the map for them, but slowly they just threw away the game to an overall superior opponent. They were outpicked versus iG, but did an admirable job with the severe pick disadvantage.

Invictus Gaming
They haven't pulled out anything surprising yet. The heavy initiation comp they used against Frost was original and quite effective, but Frost is a team of the highest level and it wasn't enough to give them the win. They have shown themselves to be mortal, and I am not confident that they can beat the near-perfect Moscow Five. They played solidly against SK and CLG, though they made a few mistakes that were punished. This will have to be fixed if they are to stand up against Moscow Five.

Azubu Frost
I really don't see why Riot decided to use random draw to put the fifth regional winner into group stage. Other than Moscow Five, Frost is possibly the strongest regional winner. I would have much rather watched World Elite or Taipei Assassins in Group A - it would have made for a more interesting dynamic. I fully expected Frost to take all three games, though I was surprised by a few of their stumbles against iG and CLG. But with the level of play they showed us, I think their match against TSM should see them move onto the semifinals.
hotshot wasn't terrible those games though
doublelift played rather poorly vs invictus and azubu tbh :/

btw thorns if you ever need someone to sub out for group recaps then i'm open for all of group B
Team Dignitas - Imaqtpie (Ezreal) / I Will Dominate (Shyvana) / Scarra (Gragas) / Patoy (Taric) / Crumbzz (Darius)
Counter Logic Gaming EU - Wickd (Irelia) / Krepo (Sona) / Froggen (Orianna) / Snoopeh (Maokai) / Yellowpete (Kog'Maw)
Bans: Anivia / Katarina / Malphite / Skarner / Alistar / Draven

- Dignitas shakes things up by sending Ezreal mid and Gragas bottom while Taric roams
- Snoopeh steals Dignitas's red at level 1 while I Will Dominate takes CLG's red at level 2.
- Patoy's Taric flash+stuns mid lane for first blood on Krepo going to Ezreal - however, Snoopeh and Froggen turn it around and take out Dominate and qtpie for an early 1-2.
- Dignitas's 3-man dive on bottom lane at 11 minutes takes out Yellowpete.
- Failed Taric+Darius kill attempt on Wickd leads to CLG.eu taking the first dragon at 12:23
- Wickd and Snoopeh dive Crumbzz at 15 minutes, netting them a kill.
- Scarra/Patoy/Dominate dive past bottom tower to kill Krepo and escape with no casualties at 16 minutes.
- CLG take a 5 man dragon at 18 minutes, trading it for their middle tower. The following engagement trades off Crumbzz and Dominate for Wickd and Krepo.
- CLG take an uncontested dragon at 25 minutes.
- An engagement at 29 minutes leads to CLG taking out three people and losing none, netting them a free Baron.
- CLG dive past mid inhib in a 4-0 exchange

Game Notes
-Dignitas's early lane-swapping strategy was interesting but ended up being detrimental in the long run, with Froggen completely dominating everyone in CS for the entire first 20 minutes.
-A botched all-in from Crumbzz early on forced him to back and miss two waves of experience, giving Wickd a game-long advantage over him.
-Yellowpete's excellent positioning and micro on Kog'maw kept him alive as Dominate attempted to kill him, all while Wickd and Froggen cleaned up the entirety of Dignitas.
Watching CLG.EU vs. Dig. Pretty good stuff so far. Taric roaming around with Shy seemed silly at first but it has really helped get them back in it.

EDIT: I can't tell if Dig botched that team fight at 29 minutes or if CLG was just THAT good. Yellowpete gets jumped on but CLG just breaks Dig up into two groups and wipes out all the high priority targets.

Awesome win. That Orianna/Maokai combo is so nasty. Creates so much space where any engagements are going to favor their team so heavily.
Watching CLG.EU vs. Dig. Pretty good stuff so far. Taric roaming around with Shy seemed silly at first but it has really helped get them back in it.

EDIT: I can't tell if Dig botched that team fight at 29 minutes or if CLG was just THAT good. Yellowpete gets jumped on but CLG just breaks Dig up into two groups and wipes out all the high priority targets.
Dig botched it IMO, Dominate was on Pete the entire time but Pete just used AA micro and didn't die while Wickd blew up Scarra and proceeded to kill all of Dignitas's team with Froggen.
I am really looking forward to seeing Sword vs Jokers as I havent seen either of them play yet. Rooting for Saigon Jokers though.
Najin Sword - MaKNoon (Jayce) / Cain (Sona) / Watch (Skarner) / PraY (Corki) / SSONG (Ryze)
Saigon Jokers - Violet (Shen) / Archie (Ezreal) / NIXWATER (Karthus) / Junie (Lux) / QTV (Irelia)
Bans: Twisted Fate / Sivir / Lee Sin / Evelynn / Alistar / Diana

- Irelia and Lux hide in the forward bottom bush and get an early level 1 kill on Corki as he comes into lane
- Bottom lane trade kills at 4 minutes with Ezreal killing Corki but Sona killing Ezreal
- MaKNooN gets a solo kill on QTV shortly after
- PraY gets a kill on Junie but is killed by a Teleport gank from QTV. The following engagement is prolonged but trades Archie's Ezreal for Watch and SSONG - in the meanwhile, MaKNooN takes top tower.
- A Shen ult bottom nets Archie a kill on Cain but MaKNooN comes in and takes him out in exchange.
- A teamfight in middle at 11 minutes after Saigon takes Dragon goes sour for him, giving MaKNooN a double kill as Najin cleans up 3-0, taking two mid towers.
- Watch and MaKNooN pick off Violet 15 minutes in, taking the kill and an Oracle.
- Skarner and three others pick off Archie; later, PraY and SSONG get caught mid but turn it around with the rest of the team, trading SSONG for Violet and NIXWATER at 18 minutes.
- Najin win a teamfight 5-0, with Watch going very low but getting out successfully

Game Notes
- Jokers ran a team composition with four globals and Teleport on Irelia
- MaKNooN won his lane and dominated the mid-game, having four kills on Jayce by twelve minutes.
- MaKNooN built double Doran's, Brutalizer, Bloodthirster, BF Sword without ever upgrading his boots. His only death occurred at the end of the game after intentionally tanking double turrets for too long.
Saigon Jokers had some interesting plays.... too bad they overestimated their damage output like, 90% of the times. The Irelia bot lane brush was pretty funny though
Counter Logic Gaming EU - Wickd (Malphite) / Snoopeh (Shyvana) / Krepo (Lulu) / Yellowpete (Tristana) / Froggen (Karthus)
Najin Sword - PraY (Ezreal) / Watch (Maokai) / SSONG (Orianna) / Cain (Sona) / MaKNoon (Nidalee)
Bans: Skarner / Anivia / Evelynn / Alistar / Jayce / Irelia

- CLG.eu gives Froggen's Karthus blue at level 1
- Snoopeh invades Watch at level 2 and blows Maokai's Flash, then takes his red
- PraY lands first blood on Yellowpete at 5 minutes
- Snoopeh ganks top and gives some sorely needed assistance to Wickd's Malphite, giving him a kill on MaKNooN
- Watch ganks bot at 8 minutes, killing Krepo
- At 9 minutes, PraY lands a kill on Yellowpete, and, despite Snoopeh's presence, also kills Krepo, leading to a dragon at 9:30 and bot tower shortly after.
- Wickd engages on MaKNooN and nets Froggen a kill with Karthus ult.
- Froggen and Snoopeh killed Wash at 12 minutes, getting the Oracle, but lose Snoopeh when MaKNooN comes in with Teleport.
- Najin rotate lanes at 14 minutes, sending Ezreal+Sona top while Nidalee heads bottom.
- MaKNooN and SSONG take out Froggen during a gank middle. Top tower falls for CLG shortly after.
- Najin take an uncontested dragon at 16:30.
- A pick on Froggen by his blue buff led to a 1-4 exchange in favor of Najin, with Ezreal getting three kills and mid tower falling after.
- A 21 minute dive nets Najin 3 kills and no losses, giving them a free 22 minute Baron.
- Najin pick up a 1 for 4 exchange, losing only MaKNooN and winning a teamfight without needing their AD carry.
- The final teamfight by middle tower kills four members of CLG as Najin goes in to finish the game.

Game Notes
- Najin held a decisive advantage in top and bottom lane in terms of CS, with MaKNooN more than doubling Wickd's CS and PlaY/Cain outplaying Yellowpete/Krepo. However, Froggen farmed incredibly well, having 150 CS by 12 minutes.
- CLG's weak bottom lane led to PlaY getting extremely strong and retaining that lead for the entire game (8/0/3, Triforce+BT+Negatron at 22 minutes)
- CLG ran a super-lategame comp with Tristana, Malphite, and Karthus, but never managed to get anywhere close to that point because of Najin's methodical mid-game domination.
Thanks a lot for the recaps, Jebus and Thorns. I've been directing people here all day. Your efforts are really appreciated!
Team Dignitas - Crumbzz (Shen) / I Will Dominate (Udyr) / Scarra (Katarina) / Imaqtpie (Corki) / Patoy (Nunu)
Saigon Jokers - QTV (Jayce) / Archie (Ezreal) / NIXWATER (Karthus) / Junie (Leona) / Violet (Malphite)
Bans: Irelia / Gragas / Evelynn / Diana / Alistar / Shyvana

- Violet invades Dignitas's jungle and takes Dominate's red buff
- Lanes begin very strangely, with Nunu+Corki going top against Jayce, Kat going mid against Ezreal+Leona, and Shen going bot against Karthus.
- Crumbzz overextends and gets first-blooded from a Malphite gank at 3 and a half minutes
- Junie roams up top and gets a kill on Patoy. Qtpie is trapped and almost kills QTV, but Archie arrives top and increases Saigon's lead to 3-0.
- An Udyr gank gives Crumbzz a kill on NIXWATER at around 5 minutes.
- Kat Shunpo into Shen ult kills Junie, but Malphite just hitting 6 and NIXWATER coming up from bottom ends up in both Dominate and Crumbzz's deaths.
- Leona and Malphite ultimates kill Scarra at 12 minutes and get Saigon the first tower of the game, followed by the first Dragon at 13 minutes.
- Saigon trades Archie for kills on Scarra and Imaqtpie at 16 minutes
- A 4-man dive from Dignitas kills QTV in bottom lane, but also gets Scarra killed. Dignitas pick up bottom tower, but lose top tower and a second Dragon.
- Another gank on bottom goes wrong and Patoy dies; Archie gets away with just a sliver of HP and Crumbzz goes too far chasing, losing his life as well.
- A prolonged dive by mid inhib ends in a 4-0 exchange in favor of Saigon, with Dignitas's fifth member dying as his teammates respawn. Saigon takes mid inhib and a nexus turret. Saigon is 12k ahead 25 minutes in.
- Saigon takes Baron at 26 minutes
- A seemingly good engagement by Crumbzz under top tower ends in disaster for Dignitas, getting aced 5-1 and netting Archie a quadra kill.

Game Notes
- Lane swaps worked out much better for Saigon in the long run, especially compared to when Dignitas tried it against CLG.eu. Jungler ganks helped QTV and NIXWATER survive their lanes, while Archie and Junie denied Scarra a great deal of farm.
- Scarra's Katarina pick did not work out at all - originally intended to shut down NIXWATER's Karthus in lane, Scarra was instead denied farm by the Ezreal+Leona combo, could not do much in teamfights due to Violet and Junie's fantastic ultimates, and ended up becoming a liability. In particular, the last fight left three members of Saigon very low, and if Scarra was only a little more fed, he could have potentially gotten a quadra/penta kill.
- A special mention has to be made for Junie's Leona, who was absolutely spot-on with his ultimates and Zenith Blades, and was vital to several picks and won fights that happened in the mid-game.
Saigon Jokers - QTV (Jayce) / Violet (Shen) / NIXWATER (Morgana) / Archie (Caitlyn) / Junie (Nunu)
Counter Logic Gaming EU - Wickd (Irelia) / Krepo (Sona) / Snoopeh (Maokai) / Yellowpete (Kog'Maw) / Froggen (Karthus)
Bans: Anivia / Skarner / Diana / Evelynn / Alistar / Ezreal

- CLG once again get Froggen their blue at level 1
- An early gank from Maokai with red buff gives an early first blood to Wickd on QTV's Jayce
- Violet counterganks one of Snoopeh's ganks in top lane, killing Wickd and saving QTV's life.
- CLG picks up an uncontested dragon at 11:30
- An excellent flash by Wickd lets him kill QTV and almost kill Violet (with Froggen's ultimate as help) after they try to gank him.
- Wickd completely turns around a gank from Violet by simply turning on him and completely melting him, again with Froggen's help at around 17 minutes. This also leads to a free second dragon for them.
- CLG take Saigon's top turret while they in turn take CLG's bottom turret
- CLG pick off Nunu and take a free Baron at 26 minutes, losing another bottom tower.
- A fight by Dragon ends 4-1 in favor of CLG

Game Notes
- Mid and bot lane went even for much of the game - and therein lies the problem, since Caitlyn was intended to shut down Kog'Maw before he hit late-game, and she failed to do so. By 20 minutes, Froggen had rapidly outpaced NIXWATER in CS.
- Wickd's Irelia proved why top teams ban her when playing CLG.eu - doubling QTV's CS by 15 minutes, Wickd could easily 1v2 whenever Violet tried to gank his lane. With Froggen's help, there was no shutting Wickd down in lane.

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