Moltres (Sunny Day)


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(just ban this pokemon already wtf guys)

Sunny Day
name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Solar Beam
move 4: Morning Sun
ability: Pressure
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Thanks to Sunny Day, Moltres's Fire Blast becomes one of the strongest nukes in the entire tier, 2HKOing even some of the bulkiest Pokemon in RU, such as Cresselia and Audino. Solar Beam's synergy with Sunny Day is self-explanatory, and it lets Moltres bypass some of its most common checks too, OHKOing Rhyperior and 2HKOing Assault Vest Slowking, Regirock, and Lanturn. Morning Sun heals an astounding 66% of Moltres' HP whenever sun is in effect, allowing Moltres to heal off Life Orb recoil and use Pressure in order to stall out the Water-type moves weakened by the sun. Roost is an option over Morning Sun, since the latter's low PP might be undesired, especially when games drag on for longer. However, Roost's higher PP and secondary effect of removing Moltres's Flying typing temporarily are usually unneeded making it an inferior option overall.

Set Details

The chosen EV spread is standard on offensive Pokemon, with a Timid nature to make use of Moltres's respectable Speed tier. The Special Attack investment coupled with a Life Orb gives Moltres all of the firepower it needs to fulfill its role properly.

Usage Tips

This Moltres set functions best as a lure and wallbreaker, using its high-powered Fire Blast, Solar Beam's coverage, and Morning Sun's recovery in order to plow through entire slower teams. Despite having Sunny Day in its moves, Moltres is meant to be used as a standalone sweeper, and not as a dedicated supporter for Chlorophyll sweepers, similarly to how sets such as Trick Room Reuniclus and even Rain Dance Ludicolo work. Moltres is a little less useful against faster teams, but it can still make use of its decent defensive typing in order to find switch-in opportunities and proceed to punch holes through the enemy team. Even if Moltres doesn't have the opportunity to set up Sunny Day, it can still function outside of sun.

Team Options

As with any Moltres variant, entry hazard removal through either Defog or Rapid Spin is a must for its effectiveness. Skuntank, Gligar, and Kabutops are usually fit for that job. Due to its prowess as a wallbreaker, Moltres also benefits from entry hazards of its own; the likes of Cobalion and Qwilfish can easily set these up, while also possessing good synergy with Moltres. As for offensive partners, Pokemon that benefit from Moltres's ability to lure Rock-types, such as Cinccino and Delphox, as well as Chlorophyll sweepers that benefit from both the sun and the holes Moltres punches, such as Shiftry and Victreebel, are all good teammates. As for more defensively-oriented options, Pokemon that can check the Fire-types that might abuse Moltres's own sun, such as Regirock and other Rock-types, are fine options. Water-types can be used too, but it's not recommended, since the sun weakens their STAB moves. Lastly, Cresselia is an outstanding option with this Moltres set, due to their amazing synergy. Moltres's Sunny Day boosts Cresselia's Moonlight recovery, while Cresselia provides Moltres with Thunder Wave and Lunar Dance support.
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Battle Soul
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A few things:
  • I really don't think the PP is an issue with Morning Sun. Healing 2/3 of Moltres's max HP at once is amazing and can make it to where it needs to heal fewer times. What does that mean? More turns for Moltres to spend smashing opponents of course.
  • I wouldn't even mention Heat Rock as an option. Just state that SD Moltres is more of a standalone Pokemon, akin to Ludicolo with RD.
  • Note in usage tips that Sunny Day Moltres can be used as a standalone attacker (like OTR Reuni and RD Ludicolo) rather than on a full Sunny Day team
  • Cresselia regains 2/3 of her max HP in sunlight, not 1/3. Also be sure to note in Moves that this can also make it harder for Moltres to break past Cresselia.
  • Answers for Delphox would be nice since it could possibly use Moltres's own Sun against it.
Anyway, trust you'll make the changes necessary, so

QC Approved 1/3


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the post below has been accounted for btw

Sunny Day
name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Solar Beam
move 4: Morning Sun
ability: Pressure
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid


Thanks to Sunny Day, Moltres's[add s] Fire Blast becomes one of the strongest nukes in the entire tier, 2HKOing even some of the bulkiest Pokemon in RU, such as Cresselia and Audino. Solar Beam's synergy with Sunny Day is self-explanatory, and it lets Moltres bypass some of its most common checks too, OHKOing Rhyperior and 2HKOing Assault Vest Slowking, Regirock, and Lanturn. Morning Sun heals an astounding 66% of Moltres' HP whenever Sun is in effect, allowing Moltres to heal off Life Orb recoil and use Pressure in order to stall out the Water-type moves weakened by the sun. Roost is an option over Morning Sun, since the later's latter's low PP might be undesired come in undesired, especially when games drag out for longer. However, Roost's higher PP and secondary effect of removing Moltres's[add s] Flying-type temporarily are usually unneeded under most circumstances, making it an inferior option overall.

Set Details

The chosen EV spread is standard on offensive Pokemon, with a Timid nature to make use of Moltres's[add s] respectable Speed tier. The Special Attack investment coupled with a Life Orb gives[add s] Moltres all of the firepower it needs to fulfill its role properly.

Usage Tips

This Moltres set functions best as a lure and wallbreaker, using its high powered Fire Blast, Solar Beam's coverage, and recovery in order to plummet plow through entire slower teams. Despite having Sunny Day in its moves, Moltres is meant to be used as a standalone sweeper, and not as a dedicated support for Chlorophyll sweepers, similarly to how sets such as Trick Room Reuniclus or even Rain Dance Ludicolo work. Moltres is a little less useful against faster teams, but it can still make use of its decent defensive typing in order to find switch in opportunities and proceed to punch holes through the enemy team. Even if Moltres doesn't have the opportunity to set up Sunny Day, it can still function outside of sun., even if it doesn't have the time to set up Sunny Day, since it still has enough self-sufficiency to function outside of sun.

Team Options

As with any Moltres variant, entry hazard removal through either Defog or Rapid Spin is a must for its effectiveness. Skuntank, Gligar, and Kabutops are usually fit for that job. Due to its prowess as a wallbreaker, Moltres also benefits from entry hazards of its own, which the likes of Cobalion and Qwilfish can easily set up, while also possessing good synergy with Moltres. For offensive partners, Pokemon that benefit from Moltres' ability to lure Rock-types, such as Cinccino and Delphox, as well as Chlorophyll sweepers that benefit from both the sun and the holes Moltres punches, such as Shiftry, and Victreebel, are all good teammates for Moltres. As for more defensively oriented options, Pokemon that can check the Fire-types which might possibly abuse Moltres' own sun, such as Regirock and other Rock-types are fine options. Water-types can be used too, but it's not recommended, since the sun weakens their STAB moves as well. Lastly, Cresselia is an outstanding option with this Moltres set, due to their amazing synergy. Moltres's[add s] Sunny Day boosts Cresselia's Moonlight, and Cresselia provides Moltres with Thunder Wave and Healing Wish support.

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@ Everstone
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When talking about Roost vs. Morning Sun, I think you could mention that Roost's secondary effect of removing its flying-typing can sometimes be bad and sometimes be good. An example is when you're up against Hitmonlee and need to recover, with Morning Sun you wouldn't be afraid of HJK OHKOing moltres, while with Roost you should be wary of that. And against Pokemon like non-scarf Rotom-C and Eelektross where Roost can come in handy when they Volt Switch.


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(ok screw the hide tags, the check is in the final one :( )
Sunny Day
name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Solar Beam
move 4: Morning Sun
ability: Pressure
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Thanks to Sunny Day, Moltres's Fire Blast becomes one of the strongest nukes in the entire tier, 2HKOing even some of the bulkiest Pokemon in RU, such as Cresselia and Audino. Solar Beam's synergy with Sunny Day is self-explanatory, and it lets Moltres bypass some of its most common checks too, OHKOing Rhyperior and 2HKOing Assault Vest Slowking, Regirock, and Lanturn. Morning Sun heals an astounding 66% of Moltres' HP whenever sun is in effect, allowing Moltres to heal off Life Orb recoil and use Pressure in order to stall out the Water-type moves weakened by the sun. Roost is an option over Morning Sun, since the latter's low PP might be undesired, especially when games drag out on for longer. However, Roost's higher PP and secondary effect of removing Moltres's Flying-type Flying typing temporarily are usually unneeded under most circumstances (redundant with 'usually'), making it an inferior option overall.

Set Details


The chosen EV spread is standard on offensive Pokemon, with a Timid nature to make use of Moltres's respectable Speed tier. The Special Attack investment coupled with a Life Orb gives Moltres all of the firepower it needs to fulfill its role properly.

Usage Tips

This Moltres set functions best as a lure and wallbreaker, using its high-powered (add hyphen) Fire Blast, Solar Beam's coverage, and Morning Sun's recovery in order to plow through entire slower teams. Despite having Sunny Day in its moves, Moltres is meant to be used as a standalone sweeper, and not as a dedicated supporter for Chlorophyll sweepers, similarly to how sets such as Trick Room Reuniclus or and even Rain Dance Ludicolo work. Moltres is a little less useful against faster teams, but it can still make use of its decent defensive typing in order to find switch-in (add hyphen) opportunities and proceed to punch holes through the enemy team. Even if Moltres doesn't have the opportunity to set up Sunny Day, it can still function outside of sun.

Team Options

As with any Moltres variant, entry hazard removal through either Defog or Rapid Spin is a must for its effectiveness. Skuntank, Gligar, and Kabutops are usually fit for that job. Due to its prowess as a wallbreaker, Moltres also benefits from entry hazards of its own; (SC) which (uncomfortably long sentence, to the extent that the final part didn't really have anything to do anymore with the first part) the likes of Cobalion and Qwilfish can easily set these up, while also possessing good synergy with Moltres. As for offensive partners, Pokemon that benefit from Moltres's ability to lure Rock-types, such as Cinccino and Delphox, as well as Chlorophyll sweepers that benefit from both the sun and the holes Moltres punches, such as Shiftry, (RC) and Victreebel, are all good teammates for Moltres. As for more defensively-oriented (add hyphen) options, Pokemon that can check the Fire-types which that might possibly (redundant) abuse Moltres's own sun, such as Regirock and other Rock-types, (AC) are fine options. Water-types can be used too, but it's not recommended, since the sun weakens their STAB moves as well (the only instance where you referred to opposing Water-types' STAB moves being weakened was way in the beginning, so this is a bit off here). Lastly, Cresselia is an outstanding option with this Moltres set, due to their amazing synergy. Moltres's Sunny Day boosts Cresselia's Moonlight, and while Cresselia provides Moltres with Thunder Wave and Healing Wish Lunar Dance (I assume) support.

GP 2/2
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Banned deucer.
readeh for gp, no tehy am checkerino plserino
See, but you actually know what you're talking about, so my input is fairly unnecessary.

Though on that note...

2shotting regirock is pretty pointless;since it ohkoes back and you can't solarbeam a switch-in, since you need sun up. I suppose you could switch out, then switch back in right after, but that's a bit difficult to pull off.

Then again, you have a nice ohko chance heavily enhanced by rocks on 252/4 regi, 81% after rocks and 1 lefties round in fact, so yea (idk what spread regirock runs).


Romance は風のまま
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See, but you actually know what you're talking about, so my input is fairly unnecessary.

Though on that note...

2shotting regirock is pretty pointless;since it ohkoes back and you can't solarbeam a switch-in, since you need sun up. I suppose you could switch out, then switch back in right after, but that's a bit difficult to pull off.

Then again, you have a nice ohko chance heavily enhanced by rocks on 252/4 regi, 81% after rocks and 1 lefties round in fact, so yea (idk what spread regirock runs).
was just a private joke, don't take it too personally :[

and yeah, what you said is correct for the most part. you have a high chance of ohkoing after stealth rock, and even if you didn't regirock is fairly easy to wear down, and sometimes it's even worth to get that chip damage just to pave the way for something else to clean, so yeah, it depends on the scenario.


Banned deucer.
was just a private joke, don't take it too personally :[

and yeah, what you said is correct for the most part. you have a high chance of ohkoing after stealth rock, and even if you didn't regirock is fairly easy to wear down, and sometimes it's even worth to get that chip damage just to pave the way for something else to clean, so yeah, it depends on the scenario.
Sorry then lol, guess i'm a bit defensive now

So yea, we agree on regirock, still unsure of the dominant spread, in any case the 2hitko mention oughta be removed and then talked about some other way (ohkoes? After rocks? After a fire blast on the switch-in possibly, for SpD variants?)

Edit:i'm seeing a lot of careful max SpD variants in usage, one lo fire blast + a rocks round + leftovers leaves you somewhat of a chance for a ko, any extra residuals and it's in the bag. Anyhow do what you will with all of that
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