Talonflame Discussion

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Fire / Flying
78 / 81 / 71 / 74 / 69 / 126
Ability: Flame Body / Gale Wings

Notable Moves:
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Quick Guard

Talonflame's claim to fame is its signature ability, Gale Wings. This ability gives all of its Flying-type moves (not just attacks) priority +1. This might seem excessive given Talonflame's absurdly high base Speed, but one should never underestimate powerful priority. Talonflame's preferred attack is obviously Brave Bird. Unfortunately its other attacking options are a bit limited, forcing it to rely on another recoil move to provide its other STAB move. Flare Blitz is still a very strong move in its own right, though, as there is an abundance of Pokemon weak to it who happen to resist Brave Bird.

As far as support moves go Quick Guard is absurdly good, and will generally be the reason you might choose to invest in Talonflame's Speed rather than its HP. The ability to outspeed and consequently shut down pretty much every Fake Out / Prankster user is impressive, and the move itself is just extremely good in general. Ironically, in Talonflame mirrors Quick Guard can be used to protect your Talonflame from the other's Brave Bird. Tailwind is another exceptional support move, and is also affected by Gale Wings. Giving heavy hitters such as Mega-Kangaskhan doubled Speed can be devastating. Will-O-Wisp is a less team-focused option though, as its burn is troublesome for a number of Pokemon Talonflame generally struggles against, such as Tyranitar and Garchomp. Will-O-Wisp is another reason to invest in Talonflame's Speed; if you're running it you should at least invest enough to outspeed Jolly Garchomp.

Talonflame's single biggest enemy is easily Rotom-W. It resists both of Talonflame's STABs, and both of its STABs are super effective against it. Will-O-Wisp doesn't even bother Rotom-W that much; it's just a nuisance at best. Rock Slide is also something Talonflame can't handle at all, which makes Garchomp and Tyranitar serious problems, even if they are vulnerable to Will-O-Wisp (Garchomp less-so though since it can easily run Lum Berry or have its evasion augmented by Sand Veil).

As far as teammates go, Talonflame is not very demanding. It just needs to have partners who can handle things like Rotom-W, Garchomp, etc., Its complements a lot of Pokemon due to its excellent neutral coverage and support moves, and it can even be used on Trick Room teams thanks to its priority. Quick Guarding to protect a Trick Room user from Fake Out is also excellent.

Example Set:

Talonflame @ Lum Berry / Sitrus Berry
Gale Wings
Adamant 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp / Taunt
- Quick Guard / Protect

Talonflame's moveset is more or less set in stone (although there are other set possibilities such as Sash / Acrobatics or Choice Band), so I imagine the biggest point of contentions would be EV spreads and item choice. Which do you all prefer, and why?


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
The set that pretty much everyone needs to be able to survive is the Choice Band set. Adamant 252 Atk Choice Band Brave Bird/Flare Blitz hits like a truck, and makes life for fighting/grass types a living hell. I very much often see Talonflame as a pseudo-suicide lead:

Talonflame @ Choice Band
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Adamant nature
Ability: Gale Wings
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz
I have been running

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird

My gameplan never tends to focus around Talonflame, I usually keep in around to clean up certain threats and annoying grass types. I have found that Talonflame is always threatening enough to draw enemy attention, so protect really creates lots of free turns. Sharp Beak is for Brave Bird power without the recoil from life orb, and I really don't use Flare Blitz much anyways. The EVs outspeed jolly Garchomp, which is necessary because I usually need to get a burn on them, along with Kangas, Mawiles, and other strong Sucker Punch users.
Mr.Blinky's set is pretty much what I've been using so far (I mean really most sets are BB, Flare Blitz, Protect and some other fourth move). The boost from the Sky Plate / Sharp Beak is pretty rad. The only thing I have differently on mine is that I opt for Tailwind since I have a Rotom-W on my team already for burns and it's just so easy to set up when the situation arises with this thing. I also run a slightly lower speed investment of 68 which lets me get the jump on Adamant Kanga primarily and then Garchomp just in case some situation arise where I need to use Flare Blitz on something before Garchomp kills me (and for a bit of speed creep on other Talonflame users aiming to just outrun adamant Kanga).

It feels weird giving my Pokemon x1.2 boosting items with the gens gone. The age of Carracosta @ Hard Stone is upon us.


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Honestly, I don't even like Flare Blitz that much on it right now. The biggest threats to Talonflame, T-Tar and Rotom-W/H, resist both its STAB moves anyway. I actually like WoW + Roost, which actually lets it half-assed stall a lot of random shit and wastes more time for its partner to sneakily do its thing. It's more bulky than one might expect since it gets to invest in HP without losing much of its "speed."
The Charti Berry, with the prevalance of Rock Slide, may be a somewhat useful item, but looking at the calculations makes me feel queasy;
252 Atk Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 112-134 (73.2 - 87.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 124-146 (81 - 95.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252+ Atk Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 126-150 (82.3 - 98%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomps at +1 (from a Swords Dance with an Intimidate drop) will always OHKO a Charti Berry Talonflame. Tyranitar will always OHKO unless it is hit with an Intimidate or a similar deduction, hence it's single calculation. Running an HP investment of 68 will not change any OHKOs to 2HKOs.

Talonflame's moveset is more or less set in stone (although there are other set possibilities such as Sash / Acrobatics or Choice Band), so I imagine the biggest point of contentions would be EV spreads and item choice.
I have tried such a set for a Tailwind team, and in my experience, it creates more problems than it should;
Yoga Flame (Talonflame) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Quick Guard / Will-O-Wisp
- Tailwind
- Protect
The idea behind this set was to support my teammates with a guarenteed Tailwind and be able to retaliate with a boosted Acrobatics afterwards. Quick Guard is to prevent any priority moves (looking at you, Fake Out) from breaking its Sash; however, if you're feeling up to it, you can replace Quick Guard with Will-O-Wisp and just use Protect in liue of Quick Guard.
In practice, it falters. Tailwind lasts for only four turns, and a KO'd Talonflame providing a free switch-in for a Tailwind abooser is always better than keeping your Talonflame that can't take full advantage of the Tailwind (you can always just choose to use Tailwind when at your sash, but then what's the point of Acrobatics?). Along with that, this set cannot do any significant damage until the opponent brings it down to it's sash; with the prevalance of Rock Sliders, this may seem easy, but there are quite a few instances where Talonflame will survive a hit without breaking its sash. Using Will-O-Wisp will reduce the further reduce the amount of chances your sash will break, seemingly being counterproductive. If anything, a Sitrus and even a Liechi Berry set will be much more reliable;
Yoga Flame (Talonflame) @ Sitrus Berry / Liechi Berry
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Tailwind / Quick Guard
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
Use a Sitrus Berry if you want to support for a while longer or a Liechi Berry if you want to nuke stuff with Acrobatics. Since the fear of a broken sash is nonexistent, you don't need to run Quick Guard. Note that since there is no sash to break you can invest into your HP a little. The speed investment allows it to outspeed Jolly Garchomps and friends, so you might as well just Will-O-Wisp them.

EDIT: Guess who just now realized that I forgot to click the Doubles button. The same goes to you, Sprocket: 252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 109-130 (71.2 - 84.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
MissingNoL Life Orb Jolly Garchomp is a strong chance OHKO a 0 HP /4 Def Charti Talonflame. So for that reason I would be leery of running Charti Berry (esp since its a virtual guarantee to OHKO after a priority Brave Bird or a fast Flare Blitz).

252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 146-174 (95.4 - 113.7%) -- 75% chance to OHKO


fire nation
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What's the point in running hp with charti berry to barely survive rock slides when your main attacking moves put you in range to being ko'd by them anyway?

I like to use uturn to wittle down rotoms to ensure that something like kanga's frustration is guaranteed to knock it out. it has pretty good synergy with amoongus as well. if i have amoongus / talon , i can switch out amoongus to get hp from regenerator and uturn out into a healthier amoongus to take a hit.
MissingNoL Life Orb Jolly Garchomp is a strong chance OHKO a 0 HP /4 Def Charti Talonflame. So for that reason I would be leery of running Charti Berry (esp since its a virtual guarantee to OHKO after a priority Brave Bird or a fast Flare Blitz).
Oh, I forgot that Garchomps even run Life Orbs in VGC 2014; I've given mine pretty much anything but a Life Orb.
What's the point in running hp with charti berry to barely survive rock slides when your main attacking moves put you in range to being ko'd by them anyway?
I really didn't think through the Charti Berry idea in my post; I was so used to the Sash / Acrobatics set that it didn't even occur to me that it's main attacks cut its HP into the KO zone. I just saw the calculations without Life Orb and recoil and threw it away.
As for the Liechi Berry, I had this happen to me today;
+1 252+ Atk Talonflame Helping Hand Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 322-381 (77.7 - 92%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I can't tell if it's a good or a bad thing, and the reason this is such a specific calculation is because this is what cost me two matches.
Someone also told me that you can just use Substitute three times to reach your Liechi Berry and function as a protect of sorts at the same time, since you're likely to move first with your Sub.
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YoloFlame (Talonflame) @ Sky Plate

EV's: 252Atk, 172 Spd, 84 HP

- Quick Guard
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Protect

I like this set a lot, but it really depends on your team what to use on the bird. Quick Guard is an amazing tool for doubles, especially now that you can spam it every turn and that it stops Prankster moves!

The EV spread ensures you being faster then +Speed Mega Kangaskhan, only losing out to Thunderus, Mienshao and Weavile I believe when it comes to Fake Out/Priority users, so I can safely burn it with Charizard X or Gardevoir. Even Sucker Punch becomes useless in Talonflame's presence, something my other Pokes really enjoy as my team is not the bulkiest of teams.
It also helps Mega Lucario (yeah, I run 2 Mega's, I pick the one best suited to deal with the opponent and Lucario can function nicely without Mega if necessary) deal with Talonflame who otherwise at the very least would severely damage him with Brave Bird. It also helps Meowstic get the SafeSwag combo going or Thunder Wave something without being interrupted or helps Greninja fight priority users without having to rely on something like Water Shuriken.

I've never seen anyone run a Quick Guard Talonflame on Wifi and honestly I don't get why... it's amazing!

Btw... since I already use Life Orb on Greninja, what are the other items Talonflame could make good use of with this set?
The EV spread ensures you being faster then +Speed Mega Kangaskhan, only losing out to Thunderus, Mienshao and Weavile I believe when it comes to Fake Out/Priority users, so I can safely burn it with Charizard X or Gardevoir.
I've never seen anyone run a Quick Guard Talonflame on Wifi and honestly I don't get why... it's amazing!
Btw... since I already use Life Orb on Greninja, what are the other items Talonflame could make good use of with this set?
Thundurus is banned in VGC, but that's a very nice EV spread for Quick Guard regardless.
Talonflame was really popular when X and Y came out, so many bred their Talonflames with the basic set before knowing that Quick Guard was possible. Your opponents most likely did not want to rebreed their Talonflames for use in VGC and just went without it. Not needing it is a likely answer as well, though.
That Talonflame might be able to enjoy a Sitrus Berry with that extra bulk from your spread. You probably wouldn't want a Choice Item seeing as how you have two support moves.
Well, it really depends on the team it is on. For a full out attacker, Choice Band/Life Orb is probably the way to go. Overall though Im not a fan of Talonflame and the fact that it has a 4x weakness to Rock Slide is what will keep me from using it. It will most likely be a very common mon this season.
Thundurus is banned in VGC, but that's a very nice EV spread for Quick Guard regardless.
Talonflame was really popular when X and Y came out, so many bred their Talonflames with the basic set before knowing that Quick Guard was possible. Your opponents most likely did not want to rebreed their Talonflames for use in VGC and just went without it. Not needing it is a likely answer as well, though.
That Talonflame might be able to enjoy a Sitrus Berry with that extra bulk from your spread. You probably wouldn't want a Choice Item seeing as how you have two support moves.
Ah yes, I keep forgetting that rated/VGC has banned certain ones since I play free battle mostly (more variety in teams and strategies). That only leaves Weavile and Mienshao who both are weak to one of his STAB's so no problem there. I already use Sitrus Berry, Life Orb and Leftovers on the others so those are no-go and I don't touch the Band items. I like being able to to switch moves ^^

That would leave something like Wacan Berry or Charti Berry, though it probably won't live through a Rock attack anyway. Shell Bell could give some healing and Talonflame has no problem dealing over 50% damage with Brave Bird or I could troll with Rocky Helmet. I've got a feeling that when it comes to Talonflame it's best to keep things simple in terms of items...


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Charti Berry is fine, but only if you pair Talonflame with an Intimidate user - then Tyranitar and Life Orb Garchomp will miss out on OHKOes. Without Intimidate, it's not worth using it.

Never use Shell Bell - it's just not a viable item. You'd always be better off with Sitrus Berry for healing.
Charti Berry is fine, but only if you pair Talonflame with an Intimidate user - then Tyranitar and Life Orb Garchomp will miss out on OHKOes. Without Intimidate, it's not worth using it.

Never use Shell Bell - it's just not a viable item. You'd always be better off with Sitrus Berry for healing.
Well you gotta remember most of Talonflames attacks cause mass recoil
If anything, a Sitrus and even a Liechi Berry set will be much more reliable;
Yoga Flame (Talonflame) @ Sitrus Berry / Liechi Berry
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Tailwind / Quick Guard
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
Use a Sitrus Berry if you want to support for a while longer or a Liechi Berry if you want to nuke stuff with Acrobatics. Since the fear of a broken sash is nonexistent, you don't need to run Quick Guard. Note that since there is no sash to break you can invest into your HP a little. The speed investment allows it to outspeed Jolly Garchomps and friends, so you might as well just Will-O-Wisp them.

EDIT: Guess who just now realized that I forgot to click the Doubles button. The same goes to you, Sprocket: 252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 109-130 (71.2 - 84.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I tried this set with Sash instead.
Watch how it worked :D

But mine has 252 atk 252 spe... 188 is enough to outspeed M-Kangashkhan's fake out with quick guard?
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Ik there are reasons that people run Acrobatics on Talonflame, but imo (you have the right to disagree with me on this) if you are using Acrobatics on Talonflame you are doing something wrong (unless Flying Gem gets released before a future VGC event, but atm it isn't happening) as you are giving up a valuable item slot to gimmicky items like Liechi Berry and Focus Sash or even foregoing an item all together for the sake of using the move. Imo, I'd rather run Brave Bird with either a boosting item or even freaking Charti Berry. Hell, I've made sets with that and 84 speed (quick guards max speed Jolly Kangaskhan's Fake Out before/on the turn that it Mega Evolves) so that I can take Rock Slides and gain an extra turn to support the team with Quick Guard or Tailwind. Honestly though, the best item for un-banded sets is Sky Plate IMO as the recoil gets really heavy with Life Orb.
188 is enough to outspeed M-Kangashkhan's fake out with quick guard?
That can be done with only 172 EVs for max-speed Jolly if I remember correctly.
As the next season approaches, I'm looking into a Support Talonflame.

Talonflame @ Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 240 HP / 92 Def / 176 Spe
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Will-O-Wisp
- Quick Guard

The goal of this set is to beat Mega-Kan. I outspeed Jolly Max speed every time, and can Quick Guard against Fake Out, so with equal priority, I always go first, and stop it, and my Will-o will cripple him,
252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Double-Edge vs. 240 HP / 74+ Def Talonflame: 163-193 (89 - 105.4%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
BEFORE BURN, unfortunately, I can't get the stats for Post Burn on the Calculator.
This set also beats most prankster users, Amoonguss, and sets up Tailwind for slower mons to guarantee outspeed past turn one. It's essentially a set up to cripple the opponents mega-Kan.
Taunt can also be used as well, but I found little need for it outside of Smeargle, who is well protected anyways.

Items can be sitrus berry-- which would work well if my Amoonguss wasn't running it, and Charti Berry which gives a slight buffer against Garchomps. Lum Berry works as well, as does Focus Sash if you never plan on using Brave Bird.


Talonflame @ Item
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 240 HP / 74 Def / 194 Spe
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Will-O-Wisp
- Quick Guard

This set speed creeps any Garchomp that is not Scarfed. All Def was sacrificed with this, just to burn Garchomp. With a charti Berry, Dragon Claw becomes its strongest move,
252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Dragon Claw vs. 240 HP / 74+ Def Talonflame: 99-117 (54 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 240 HP / 74+ Def Charti Berry Talonflame: 91-109 (49.7 - 59.5%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO

but without it, it's crippled
252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 240 HP / 74+ Def Talonflame: 182-218 (99.4 - 119.1%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

As with the other set, the same items apply.

I know it isn't a strong supporter, but priority Tailwind and a ton of speed really do help it alongside Sweepers that otherwise couldn't. Besides, opponents would not see a support T-flame coming, and would give you a turn of advantage at the very least.

Thoughts, Ideas?


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
It's not like Tailwind and Quick Guard are totally unheard of on Talonflame. If it's not CB, Talonflame is always packing support moves. What opponents might not see coming is the bulk, but your Brave Bird also hits like a little girl in exchange and you have neither Roost not Protect to keep Talonflame alive much longer than any typical offensive Talonflame.

As someone who loves WoW Talonflame, you should strongly consider using Roost to stall for passive damage while tanking through burned Rock Slides and stuff. Item-wise, I would avoid Sash, avoid Charti because you shouldn't be taking Rock attacks anyway unless Roosting against a burned user, but Lum/Sitrus/Lefties are fine if you have nothing else to use them. I've actually heard good things about Rocky Helmet (Roost only), though I've never tried it myself.
I've actually heard good things about Rocky Helmet (Roost only), though I've never tried it myself.
If I recall correctly, Jeudy Azzarelli (SoulSur) made it to Top 8 at US Nats with a Rocky Helmet Taunt Will-o-Wisp Talonflame. I unfortunately know nothing else of his Talonflame. It seems a little weak in a BO3 scenario, and is perhaps why he hasn't ran it since US Nats.


when you see a good meme
My favourite EV Spread for Talonflame (and imo the best one in VGC) is the Rocky Helmet Flame.

Talonflame@ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Gale Wings
Jolly Nature
- Quick Guard
- Will-O-Wisp
- Tailwind
- Brave Bird

Practically what it does is whittle down and annoy every single Mega-Kanga if you predict correctly.
I have a few sets I usually use for Talonflame

Talonflame (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 12 SpA / 4 SpD / 172 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Brave Bird
- Overheat
- Quick Guard / Taunt / Tailwind / Protect
- Quick Guard / Taunt / Tailwind / Protect

The EVs allow it to outspeed Jolly Kangaskhan by 1 point so you can Quick Guard before Fake Out. The Special Attack investment is to OHKO 252/4 Mawile 100% of the time with Overheat I prefer Overheat over Flare Blitz because you can get around Intimidate and avoid recoil/Iron Barbs damage. I realise that Mawile spread is becoming less and less common but it's only 12 EVs that would have a negligable increase in Talonflame's bulk, and it's never a bad idea to have a back up plan. The support movepool is what really sells Talonflame for me. I usually prefer Taunt + Quick Guard, but if I have another Taunter than I will probably choost Protect. I prefer Focus Sash Talonflame for Tailwind, but it is an option.

Talonflame (M) Life Orb
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 12 SpA / 4 SpD / 132 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Brave Bird
- Overheat
- Quick Guard / Taunt / Tailwind / Protect
- Quick Guard / Taunt / Tailwind / Protect

This spread outspeeds 252 Speed Adamant Talonflame, but lacks the power of the first one. It also has a 50-something percent chance to survive a Thunderbolt from 76 Special Attack Rotom-Wash, so thats a plus. The support options are the same.

Talonflame (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Will-O-Wisp / Flare Blitz
- Tailwind
- Protect

This set is a more support oriented one I have been experimenting with. Acrobatics is preferred because it is almost as powerful as Brave Bird after you have used up Focus Sash, and doesn't have recoil so you won't kill yourself. Will-O-Wisp is used to cripple things like Kangaskhan / Mawile. Flare Blitz is an option if Fire-moves are desperately needed, but is kinda redundant with Focus Sash. With Focus Sash you are basically gauranteed to set up Tailwind.

So, yeah, these are the Talonflame sets I been using. :)
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