Martsian Jr
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  • OU ssnl when? GMT+1 here
    Martsian Jr
    Martsian Jr
    Gmt +2 here, the situation lately gave me a lot of free time, so post your suggestion here
    Do you want to play today?
    Hey bud, we just got matched for Official smogon tour, I believe our matches are due the 9th. I should be free Tuesday and Thursday past 6pm, Friday past 3:30 pm, and Saturday all day. I'm in US EST -- GMT -5:00. if none of those work for you I can try to accommodate a better time that works for you
    Martsian Jr
    Martsian Jr
    I'm GMT +2 which means that if we do Friday 3:30pm GMT -5 I'm okay. I can even do later at friday. Let your discord here and I'll contact Thursday for further info
    Hey Friday seems good, im gonna dm you my discord so not everyone who goes on ur account can see it lol
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