9 Tales of Ninetales

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  • Your posts give me the opposite of cancer. Thank You
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    haha, what's the opposite of cancer? I feel like I wouldn't want my posts to be the equivalent experience of chemotherapy, lol

    glad you appreciate them though, I usually hope that I get people thinking but often wonder if I even accomplished anything XD
    MEvoing: the process is prolly something like Wonder woman's spinning around mixed with Superman changing clothes, but in a spherical phonebooth.
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    So basically you ride on that thing while it changes its clothes and spins around so fast you can't perceive the changes it's going through with your eyes?
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    That at its highest level of play Pokémon was just the inconceivable which-drink-is-poisoned Princess Bride game. He’ll expect me to use Icicle crash so he’ll switch, But WAIT, he’s knows I know he’ll switch so he’ll stay in… and it goes on forever….

    You're a genius :)

    btw I love the Princess Bride reference!
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    9 Tales of Ninetales
    haha, yeah, I don't truly believe that statement anymore (with regard to the highest level of play, part) but I'm not a very skilled player so I end up in those situations a lot XD. I think if Princess Bride half the time i'm in them
    9 Tales of Ninetales
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