Akira 153
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  • Hi, I'm against you this week for Hpl, I'm -7 and Saturday would be best.
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    Saturday sounds good. I'm +2 and should be free all afternoon/evening. If you need to play evenings your time then I could also do 9:30am on sat/sun if you can stay up late.
    9:30 am your time would be too late, but 9:30 pm Saturday your time (noon my time) should be good.
    Akira 153
    Bonjour, augustakira! We're paired for Week 1 of Tours Plaza Premiere! Which of these times suit you for our match: Friday, August 23, 4:00 PM, or Sunday, August 25, 10:00 AM? Both times are in the GMT +2 timezone.
    hi inheritour i'm -4 when do you wanna play?
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    I'm +2, should be free late saturday evening so mid-afternoon or early evening for you (like 10pm-1am my time is ideal)
    sry for the delay i forgot this one. do you wanna play sat 4pm my time (10pm yours)?
    Akira 153
    Omw, when are you available? I'm gmt-5 and not available on Wednesday night
    Hiusi guy
    Hiusi guy
    Saturday 3pm my time works, see you then
    Hiusi guy
    Hiusi guy
    im on main with the same name when you're ready
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    I don't see you online, chall Akira 001 on either main or smogtours (if you do main make sure to add lumina crash)
    omwc, i'm +8. wanna play this weekend? i'm ok for mornings and nights.
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    Sure, sunday should work for me? if you wanna play in the evening maybe 2pm my time (+2)?
    see you then.
    GOT IT... I'm so sorry for getting in this place on your scheduling post, but tbf it's public knowledge this talk.
    If I'm understanding it right, it would be 8PM for Nihilslave, 2PM for augustakira, 8AM for west coast and 9AM for myself. I REALLY don't want another incident of Nihilslave winning by default after all.
    yo, tu veux jouer quand pour le money tour?
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    Je suis libre Vendredi aprem/soir ou toute la journée Dimanche
    Bah viens on fait ca dimanche alors, vendredi je risque de pas etre la
    BH ssnl. Wanna play Saturday?
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    Sure, late evening GMT+2 work for you? (like 10-11:30 PM would be best for me) otherwise i can play basically anytime on Sunday if that doesn't work for you.
    I'm -4. I assume 10-11:30 for u, which would mean 4-5:30 for me. Ya, those times should work. I can do 4pm, gmt -4 on Saturday.
    Scheduling here for official purposes
    When are you available on weekends? Any time you prefer? I’m probably free both days.
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    GMT+2, Saturday late in the evening or Sunday anytime work for me
    hey bh open, sorry for the late message i was at camp, when are you free? ill be free this weekend nearly all day, gmt +8
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    No problem, I'm GMT+1 (+2 with DST), I'll be free saturday morning and sunday all day, does saturday from 10-12 or so my time work?
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    I'm also on OMcord as Akira if that's easier
    bh no tera (scheduling here bc official), +0, probably best on weekend (can do basically all but can't do 6-8pm sun)
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    +1, available every evening and all day on weekends
    Tea Guzzler
    Tea Guzzler
    10pm sun +0?
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