Almighty Rye
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  • Hi I’m your opponent in smogon draft. I run on EST time. Would Saturday morning work for you?
    Hey I’ve got an emergency I have to deal with at the bank. I won’t be able to be here exactly at 11. I’ll message when I get back( can’t imagine it being too long after) or we can reschedule if you want
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    message me on discord when you are back, rye8116
    I am back, I'll figure out how to message you on discord now lol
    we play for winter seasonal this week, im gmt-5. im free anytime between thursday and sunday except for saturday night, lmk when you're down. already sent a message on discord as well so we can schedule there if you want
    gary buster holmes
    gary buster holmes
    just following up on this, got another game on sunday night so that won't work
    hey we play in draft winter seasonal this week
    i'm free any time thursday through sunday gmt-6
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    hey im gmt-5 so i should be free to play sometime this weekend, if u could message me on discord rye8116 that would be better
    I'm good to play any time after like 5:30pm on the weekdays and after 12pm on the weekends, GMT-5
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    sounds good i should be able to play on saturday anytime after 12, im also gmt-5
    Alr just DM me on discord when you're good to go it's spwert
    GMT-5, I prefer playing Sunday as I will be out on Saturday. I think night would be best (perhaps 6pm to deadline), but I should be able to do late morning or afternoon as well if needed.
    Hey, I now have a dinner plan that just came up, so I would prefer to either play after 8pm my time (until deadline) when I am back at night or earlier in the day (specifically free from 1-2:30pm and 9am-10:30am).
    Yo we play in low tier. Im free 2-5 during the week and like after 10 on weekends. Gmt -4
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    im also gmt-4 i should be free maybe Saturday after 10 pm but also message me on discord, rye8116
    we play for draft. I can usually play at night gmt+8
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    ok im gmt -4 so this will be interesting, ill be free all of my Sat night and Sunday
    i have work during the day so i cant do night ur time
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    it will need to be sunday then, if u can dm me on discord because it will be much easier to coordinate, my @ is rye8116
    hey, we play for low tier, when are you available?
    also sent you a message on discord
    Heyy, I believe we play for Low tier, lemme know if you're free in the weekend! Its currently 14:56 for me rn.
    Almighty Rye
    Almighty Rye
    I should be free after 7 pm gmt-4 on Saturday or possibly around 10am to 12 pm on Sunday gmt-4
    We are matched for the Low Tier Draft, my timezone is gmt+2 and I have time every day from 5pm my time onward, but i would prefer at least 2 days to prepare
    Sabran IX
    Sabran IX
    If you‘d rather do this on discord, my user there is sabran9
    Hey hey, Smogon Season opponent here. Timezone is BST. I have a day off Wednesday and Sunday and can go almost any time during those days, otherwise I can make myself available late evenings after work. lmk what works for you
    We’re matchupped against each other this week when do you want to play I’m gmt+10.
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