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  • Hey there alphatron, I've just joined Smogon, and the first person I followed is you. I particularly liked your one warstory "Gather around the bonfire, and I shall tell you a tale". It was brilliant, well told... at least to me, anyway. Keep up the good work (:
    Actually you know what, feel free to post the next one if you have time or if you even want to and I can edit the title later.
    Nah dude, that's being a slight harsh. Plus I'm no one to put anyone else in place. lol
    See you around.
    It seems as I came off as rude in one of my comments towards you I apologize. Didn't mean any hostility just that it kept on about the same topic of course.
    Well first trop posted a really old rmt of blarajans and i was like, o hai i'll comment. Then i posted one sentence in answer to a giant quote. Kind of bullshit, but hey!
    you are the first Hall of Famer of the Dark Horse Project! Make sure to update your registration form :d
    I have noted several occasions of Matthew hitting on me. Any and all alleged accusations of homosexuality should be disregarded.

    Welcome to the badged club. :)
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