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  • When do you want to play for MAMP's tour? I'm gmt+11
    Alt accounts only :(
    Alt accounts only :(
    Oh cool, i'm gmt +10.5, is tomorrow good? i should be on from 12 to 6 local time so just add or take 30 mins, don't really like thinking about this . Just pm me
    Alt accounts only :(
    Alt accounts only :(
    Sorry man, i can't do today, unless its way later, is tomorrow fine?
    when do you wanna play for mamp tour, gmt-7. i'd rather play later bc i need to make a team for the abomination of the tier we play.
    9+7 = 16. Can you play today?
    I saw your message on ps but had to leave for school
    Oh deadlines not for a few days, my bad, Mamp just announced it. I'd still like to play asap though
    Alt accounts only :(
    Alt accounts only :(
    Oh, it seems like we are on the opposite sides of the world, i'll have PS open for 10 hours since this comment so just message me when you are ready.
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