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  • Thanks a lot! Whenever you'd like to use your two credits, just post on my thread. I like to keep all my orders there, for organizational purposes.
    I'll be online for the next few hours, just send me a request when you see me (ign: Tate).
    Sure, no problem. You're the first person I've done this for, I'll start a new section on my thread. I'm available 9:00pm-12:00pm US Central Time tonight, would that work for you to trade?
    yes its ok instead of the DW female do you think you can let me have a Tepi Oshawott and Zorua Ivs dont matter its just so i can finish my game quicker
    Can you convert pokemon to .pkm files? If so you can CMT and see if you like the DW Bagons I have there.
    yea I sent the VM before I added the FC, I edited the last VM but here it is

    Platinum FC: 4598 6539 1526

    Im in a trade right now but Ill be on shortly.
    Which gen should be do 1st? Gen 5? Heres my Platinum FC: 4598 6539 1526 , Also you don't want no nicknames right? If so then I will have to transfer these 2 HG for nicknaming.
    Yep sounds good, Those 3 will be on my Platinum actually, And when would you like do the trade? I have 2 days of Wifi so now would be great if your free. Ill give you my Platinum FC if your available now.
    Sorry, didn't mean to tease you in the WiFi room. I was waiting for sharingan.
    Ohh ook, omg...I didn't know that. I've been hatching extra eggs for those that people wanted me to nick name
    Thats the bad new >.< i forgot to nick name it =( if it is really important I can r breed it.
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