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  • Hello there, you most likely have forgotten about this, but you signed up for a Generation 3 ZU Tournament a couple of weeks ago, and I'm your opponent for the first round. The deadline is at midnight tomorrow, specifically for the people that live in the "EST Zone", so we have to discuss when we're going to have our match. If you don't respond to me within twenty-four hours, I'll be claiming my free win.
    Yes, I can play with you now..sorry, I got caught up with something important.
    Hey, I'm sorry that something else came up, and I didn't tell you, but the deadline is arriving in less than four hours, and there's something that's important to me that has to be attended to soon.
    If you can't show up within the next hour, I'm going to have to call for a win by default, unless you can show up within half an hour after that.
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