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    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    sorry for the really LONG wait, I just was to lazy to go on this site, soooooooooooo are you ready to trade them pokemans?
    hi, you have been subbed into my tourney as per your post earlier that you were willing to sub. Your opponent is Eternal. If at all possible, I'd prefer the team to be sent in by late-Friday night. The deadline to play is this Sunday.
    nope, sorry, ben aan het leren om te RNGen. Het lukt me bijna! Moet nog ff een ding weten en dan kan ik ook IVs RNGen (shiny lukt al).
    Yeah, I can do 3 cloning projects. I actually have Mattj's entei, so how many clones of that do you need? I'll clone mine and trade it to you for your 2 guys that you want me to clone (please tell me their IVs so I can see if I want a copy) and X junk guys, then clone them.
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