Bald Accountant
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  • Hey BA, I was doing some thinking about some ideas for guides. I do still want to do a guide, but I don't want it to be too general...and if it is specific it has to be about something I know I was thinking, perhaps a guide to IRC for new smogon members? Alternatively, I was thinking about sort of collecting my own philosophy on positive attitude and making some "motivational speech" kind of guide. Either of these something you would be interested in?
    The Gym seems like a fun idea I'll try out.
    And I only have certain days In which I can play WiFi like Mondays, Wednesdays and every other weekend.
    In short, the battles can count on either thread, but everyone has to choose which one they want their officially recorded battles counted on -- the ones they report in AA or the ones they report in BALD.

    They can report in both groups to get the benefits listed outside of actually having the battles recorded, because if we don't bother counting up the raw numbers, it's really only a matter of activity and how much a person is battling other members.
    How about this:

    People sign up at BALD for the battles reporting, and they get to pick which thread their reported battles are counted from. We then take the list and search for people who have signed up, and determine the records that they have accumulated from their reports on whatever battle reporting thread they chose.

    Either way, if they report battles often, they'll count at AA towards rank-ups (to a certain point), and they'll count towards the records kept at BALD as well, along with the benefits given there too.
    GG hustler, also I don't particularly need the prize I'd rather invite members myself than have it be advertised I joined to tourney to battle
    Sorry, responded to my own page, sure I'll be happy to join even if I'm already at a poor start
    thx for advice,i want ou on wifi since i dont use showdown and dont have a lc team, should i wait on wifi battle finder?
    hi, i have a question do you have some advice for building a uu team and sure i like to battle
    Uh, depends what gym you are XD

    Also I have to eat right now, so maybe in 20 minutes or so.
    Aww, any reason in particular? XD

    Okay, I'm heading to PS now.

    I do have Ask Me Anything, but that group is sort of dead now, and the questions were never really that great anyhow. I would have New Group...if it weren't for...well, you know.
    Wanna battle now? Also, I have a picture of myself, if you want to see what I look like o3o
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