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  • I am very sorry, but I must request to be taken out of the tournament. At the time of sign ups, I had nothing to do, but like an idiot I stacked up stuff. I profusely apologize for wasting your time, and everyone else's (I probably would have gotten out R1 anyways, I don't play competitively very much >.>).
    Okay lol. But I will be off minecraft for at least a large part of the day, so I won't forget. :D
    Naw, just to make sure that people dont change their deck lists. i signed u up for the tourney, is that ok?
    I'm sorry, I keep doing this. >.<

    I promise I'll be on tomorrow. I'm sorry again. :c
    Idk yet... i guess we'll take it as it comes. Ill post the thing tomorrow and tell billymills that you've agreed to help me out.
    Idk, scouting for inactive players and figuring out what to do from there... it's gonna be a standard tourney fyi
    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, I haven't been on much. >.<

    We can trade later today if you'd like. I'm in EST too. :D
    I've seen a few on ladder too, lately. I really think that it's just a phaze atm, that someone found a decent set, but if it retains its popularity for a little while longer I'll certainly add it. Thanks for the heads-up!
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