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  • Are you and your opponent planning on playing soon, as the deadline is today? Or would an extension be good?
    Opponent disappeared for a few days on a couple of occasions. I've told him when I'm available tomorrow. Depends if he turns up or not I suppose, as he hasn't said he specifically can't battle at that time.
    I'll give you guys an extension to battle tomorrow; if he doesn't show up, you can get the win.
    Hey we have to play for the battle factory tourney.
    I'm GMT-8 and can play weekends and late on Mon, Wed, Fri.
    Great, another big time zone difference. I'm GMT. Latest I can play on any day is 9:30pm my time.
    Actually I can't do any tourneys for a few weeks.
    You can have the win.
    Yo we gotta fight for the Omaha tour. Could you try and come on #neverused as much as you can? You should be able to find me, I'm pretty active there. I'm GMT +13 btw
    I don't see how we can! Time zone difference makes it nigh on impossible. When I'm online he's asleep/waking up & vice-versa.
    a fairy
    a fairy
    i see 2 options atm

    one of you guys can try and pull an all-nighter or w/e, or i can either sub one of you out (and put you as a sub maybe i guess?) or you can twiddle your fingers until deadline and i can coinflip
    a fairy
    a fairy
    i will coinflip
    Hello. You have signed up for Smogon Omaha 3 and have not yet sent in your Pokémon. Please do so.
    Just a reminder that you need to get your match done for the No More Legends Tournament
    I'm subbing you in for Dr Ciel for the No More Legends Tournament. Your new opponent is tikidude
    Hey, I've added you to the subs list for the No More Legends Tournament. Just let me know if you can't/don't want to be on it! :]
    I am on most days at this time till about 10:00. Just find me on irc at #doubles. Tell me if you need a link for an online client :] Let's get this Doubles Doubles match done
    We're paired for the LC open. I'm generally available after 2 PM GMT-5 on weekdays.
    Oh that's pretty good then. I'm GMT+1 and 8:30pm my time is good most weekdays.
    Eo Ut Mortus
    Eo Ut Mortus
    How about 8:30 on Thursday?
    yeah sounds good to me
    Hello! We're up against each other for Ubers Open r2. Im GMT +3 and will be available from today to Sunday (not including Sunday) and next weekend.
    So hey dude,
    Me, Celever (who is coincidentally a friend of mine) and you are paired for the Ghosting Tour. We would like you to come on IRC a lot more as we noticed you are not there that often (we usually hang out on #neverused so when we meet up its very likely you will find us there)
    Also you talk about a RMT, if you think this team could benefit you in the tourney, please wait off a bit before you post. Otherwise our opponents might know the team :/
    My RMT is already up. Not using that team anymore though; it's finished. I'll be on irc.
    I dont see you :c
    Hey! Do you want to pair up with one more player in the Ghosting Tour II?
    Yeah sure thing!
    Ok, sorry about the delay. I'll do the message thing if I can find out how.
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