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  • ah that's right. what were you going to do next? because obviously Specs FireBlast is a 2hKO on Rotom...
    good game. if by bad luck you mean the Stone Edge miss, yeah that was unfortunate, but that's a risk of using Stone Edge. =/ it always seems to fuck me over too, when i need it the most. other than that is was a pretty hax free match though.
    Good battle. You used Primeape well. I hope to battle you again in the future.
    u sure? ok. no disrespect in any way. i saw wat i saw but ill go on ur word. again my bad.
    2 primeapes...i kno ur mad but im just letting u know so others dont bitch at u.
    I know you're new to Smogon, and all, so I hate to end a battle on you like this, but I'm going to give you the run win. This is just too much. I'm really sorry.
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