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  • I am GMT -5, American EST. When can you play
    hi sorry i missed you this weekend. My timezone is PST. I can play whenever so just let me know what works for you. Im also on showdown in the vgc room a lot so if you see me there just pm me and we can battle that way too.
    GL and HG
    ok when can you play
    Copy and Paste my profile posts ;)

    Yesterday at 5:01 AM
    Judit hi!!! :)
    Yesterday at 7:08 PM
    Judit I can play today, I couldn't respond before because I was working. Please, tell me when will you be available to play.
    Yesterday at 7:11 PM
    Judit My name in showdown is Shiryn :)
    Yesterday at 7:11 PM
    Judit Hey! I have not any response yesterday.
    My timezone is GMT+01, so today I can play in this time:
    9:00am-3:00pm and 10:00pm-01:00am. Please, tell me when will you be available to play
    Today at 11:06 AM
    Judit hey... ?
    Hey! We're paired for the VGC Tournament. When can you play? I'm GMT +1.
    we should meet in the VGC chatroom on the official smogon server. if I'm on showdown thats where I always go. Does Thursday at 1:00 PM still work for you?
    Yeah, it still works. See you then ;)
    Hey i know its a little bit early but I'm on the pokemon showdown smogon server VGC chatroom whenever your ready. is your name on showdown the same as on the forums?
    Ok I'll be ready at 1.
    Ok so once again another possible time to have the battle has come and past. I however will be free at around 7ish EST. Please try to make it at this point.
    Hey im sorry about missing all of these times. I got mixed up by our time zone difference ( I am pst) however I got it now and ill be on showdown at 7:00 Pm EST.

    Gl and HF
    Ok i'm on rn.
    Looks like we're matched up for round one. I can play on January 2nd at 1 P.M. EST (although pretty much any time that day works). A secondary time that could work is January 6th at 5 P.M. once again EST.
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