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  • Hey I'm your last opp for wcop (i'm malekith sub), so when do you want to play?
    No problems for me. I don't know if your country is currently on Daylight Saving Time, so i'm not really sure whether we should meet in one and a half hour or 2h30...

    anyway, I'll be waiting for you in PS main server as Aggronaut. Talk to me whenever you want to play
    Is next monday ok for you?

    If so, what about 7 pm of your timezone?
    evenings of gmt +1 work well for me. I'm gmt -5, but I would prefer to do it later this week because I will be a bit busy towards the beginning. Does sometime Thursday or Friday work with you?
    hi we have to battle for ost, vm me back so we can set up a time please.
    when do you wanna play for ost9 r3. im gmt +1 and available from 6 pm to 9 pm every day. You can always find me on irc on pokemon or spl
    I'm GMT-2 and usually free between 9pm and like 10am at my time. If that's pretty bad for you let me know so I can stay up during the afternoon >:

    I'm on vacation, so I'm free like everyday
    hi, i'm gmt-5, so you're six hours ahead of me. this'll be fun to plan, huh? :P will you be free this weekend?
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