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  • holy shit you're back

    Excadrill got banned after 4 consecutives DO NOT BAN
    Thundurbro got banned too
    Garchomp got banned
    assgon decided to ban Brightpowder and Lax Incense (not like anyone cared but it was a shit ban)

    NU was created
    UU banned Wobbuffet and Staraptor (Espeon was banned too but it was moving to OU anyway)
    RU banned Sableye and Alakazam (whose DW abilities have been released)
    Ain't that some shit. Well OU is gonna get a fresh new metagame with SOMETHING banned, so try to play so more.
    I love how fuck you all is trying to be funny, you enter the thread and out-fun him in every single way
    Like seriously lol let me battle you with the team I made with your suggestion on a Warstory.
    wow my post was your first visitor message, well I helped to change that, you're welcome.
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