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  • classssss I have a B/W walkthrough team ready, guess we have to fight at some point o_o Hit me up when youre ready
    You're my opponent for the Spelling Bee tournament. I'm GMT -5 and I can be on most weekdays and weekends.
    Hey, when do you want to do our match for ST7? I'm GMT +1 and usually available in the evenings around 8 pm
    Hey, we're opponents for ST7. When do you want to battle? I'm GMT -5 and available most weekdays and weekends.
    what time do you wanna batalhar for the OU Region Tournament (I think lol) i live in central time zone if that matters to you
    I'll be battling you in Stage 3 Tournament, Round 2. What is your timezone? When are you available?

    (My timezone is GMT +3)
    so about when do you want o get this done? i'll be back in a few hours, so we can try for then :)
    i'm your opponent for the regional tourney. team is done contact me when you're ready
    Hey you wanna play me on YVD, it's been a while since I played so I wanna try out a deck and get the feel for it a little more.
    I have finals this week until Thursday (so Thursday afternoon I'll be free). However, Thursday afternoon I have a party and Friday - Saturday I'm busy partying (woooooooooo). I'll ask RBG if we can have a slight extension.
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