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  • how about this upcoming weekend unless i catch you online on the week days cause im pretty busy this whole week
    you don't need any play points so don't worry about it! I'll be winning (haha jk) at Pennsylvania, hope to see you there :)
    Sorry I went to say something to Aaron but I saw your comment. Nationals this year is an open event so I believe there is no points needed really.
    Aah I see. Nats is definitely gonna be fun this year. Every year I went to vgc I qualified for natx but never went. This year im finally going. GL with making a team haha.
    Haha definitely XD. See ya at philly, and eventually nats. Best of luck. It didn't work because I was too slow at copying your fc, so I never went on haha.
    modest, also I was going to ask someone tomorrow but can I give you my hydreigon and can you completely erase its ev's. The reward can be the modest hydreigon.
    We can trade now of you want. the cress is free, because well you helped me clone it. Another thing as you know I don't have a ar. So can you clone it and sometime later I can get it?
    It belongs to gunblaze griffin. I can get cress during the trade. Also as I told FSLAR my lotad evolved for my friends brothers vgc team. So its a ludicolo with giga drain, and standard vgc moves like fakeout,hydropump, and protect.
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