coral fan
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  • Hey, we're matched for the delibirds tour, when do you want to play? I can at 6-10pm (+2gmt) monday to friday
    coral fan
    coral fan
    Can we go 10pm Thursday (GMT+2)?
    For my future reference that's 3PM my time :)
    Hey, were you yesterday?
    hi when do you want to play for lc open? i’m gmt-7 and free p much friday only, but can potentially swing weekend sometime if friday doesn’t work for you
    coral fan
    coral fan
    ok i gtg now, ping coral#1115 when you're free and ill see if i am too
    coral fan
    coral fan
    um i guess we can reschedule for the weekend if you'd like but i don't exactly know when would be best yet
    contacted u on discord but rescheduling to morning your time (like 8ish-12ish hours from now) be cool if that works? i’m also free from now till then
    Hey when do you wanna play for LC Open? I'm gmt+2
    coral fan
    coral fan
    I'm GMT+1 so it should be pretty easy to schedule thankfully :)
    Would anytime between 2pm and 11pm your time work for tomorrow or saturday?
    I would prefer saturday and something like 6pm
    I'm sick rn so I hope I will feel better before our schedule
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