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aaapl -4 my schedule is FUCKED so you will have to deal with me. Can’t play weekend unless u wanna play fuckass times (like 9pm Sunday), also can’t play evenings because I work nights. Best time to play is sometime Friday before 6pm or that fuckass late night Sunday time.
1v1 Masters
I'm +5.5 , when do you want to battle
( i can battle in the mornings in the weekend and evenings in the weekdays )
I'm not free this Wednesday
Hey I'm your round 2 opponent for gen 7 rands tournament and I'm gmt +10, I'm only available tomorrow, and only really after 8 pm. Sorry about that. Hopefully we'll be able to find a time we can both do.
Hey, we play in the gen 8 draft. I'm going to be away this weekend- are you available this week? I'd prefer Thursday/Friday evening (EDT), but my schedule is fairly flexible
Gen 8 randbats open. GMT+9 and I'm kinda packed this week. Do you think we can get an extension? I can play like 10am on Monday or 5pm~12am on weekdays.
Hey, when do you wanna play for Multi Factory Open? I am GMT +2 and can play from 6 pm to 9 pm from Monday to Thursday and from 5 pm to 8 pm on Sunday. Let me know what works for you!