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  • Hi, when a good time for you to battle for dreamworld tournament? I'm GMT-5
    You have only 2 more days in your Strikeout match with PK gaming before I coinflip, beware
    Hello, I'd like to inform you that, if you don't PM me your Strikeout Pokémon for the Round 1 of Strikeout Tournament: Black/White edition within approximately 20 hours, you are going to be replaced with a substitute.
    hey, whens a good time for you to battle for ghosts tournament? I'm GMT-5 and prefer to battle from 4-11 PM. let me know what works for you.
    We forgot this was bo3! Anyways when do you want to play the other two? I'm open all today and tomorrow except for the afternoon/evening (pool party).
    We're opponents for rby tourney! I'll be rather busy until around Friday evening but after that I should be good to battle! I'm GMT -6
    want to play now? I can play tomorrow at 3:30 PM(GMT -5) np. But it would be cool just to get it done now, your choice man!
    yo want to battle tomorrow 11AM (GMT -5) for 3v3 jap style? or today if you find me here?
    This weekend sounds good, but keep in mind the teambuilding for this is going to be extremely easy and fast, and it will be completely based on luck so it shouldn't take so long.
    yo, we're riding the metronome take two tourny battlers
    ready to set a time? I'm GMT -5 or EST
    hey, we're opponents for the counterpick tourney.
    Can you head on IRC later today so we can pick our teams?
    ok, I will be on at around 4 pm est :D
    if i dont check my VMs just join the IRC channel in my sig and ping me.
    That's okay !
    Just come to French Time server and highlight me when you're ready.
    We can then go to another server at your discretion.
    Cya there :)
    We're having troubles to see each other, because you straightly ignored my VM...

    What about tuesday between 7pm and 11pm, my timezone ?
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