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  • Greetings! I just saw the update you posted in your art thread I wanted to swing by really quick and wish you a rapid recovery. Stay strong! :)
    Thanks :) I dunno about rapid, since it's been three months already and I've probably three months to go, but I'm definitely recovering well! I'm like a human Spoink, hopping around, only without the psychic powers and with a Zimmer frame.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Well, I'm glad to see that at least your optimism and your sense of humor weren't broken. I hope you'll feel better soon!
    Greetings! I'm heading online now with the 5 Master Balls. See you at the Festival Plaza!
    Me too, thanks! ["Game Sync is now in progress."]
    Thanks so much, I really appreciate it :D
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're very welcome! Don't hesitate to ask me if you ever need anything else in the future!
    Hi, I heard you do art projects! So I was wondering if there's something you'd be willing to do for Pokemon trades (or money). Would you tell me if you still work on that sort of thing before I go into details?
    Hi! I do, occasionally, and I appreciate you asking! Unfortunately, I already have something in my queue, and I'm very behind on that as it is - I'm trying to buy a house IRL right now and it's sucking up most of my spare time and energy, so I couldn't take on another request in good conscience. Try the Smeargle's Studio forum, though!
    Okay, thanks anyway! I'll go there.
    "I wanted Arcanine to have a vaguely regal sounding name, so I named it Charles. 5 minutes later I ruined it by naming his brother Barkley. "
    Just stopping by to let you know i love you
    Oh gosh this is so flattering but listen I think you should know I'm just not in a place where I could be in a relationship right now and it's not you it's me and you deserve better but I hope you understand that I think of you more like a sibling or amiable cousin I hope we can still be friends?


    Thx, u 2 bruh <3
    i-i didnt mean that in a romantic sense it was a response to how amazing the post was
    I'm heartbroken :V and I was kidding!
    Please take your time on my request :) I'm sure the result will be worth it!
    cookie cookie microwave uncookie ice-cream cookie
    Ah yes well you see I was trying to devise an efficient stack-based algorithm for constructing an ideal ice cream cookie sandwich. But alas, my previous attempts had resolutely failed to produce the correct output, often ending up drowned in microwaved ice cream soup, or being inappropriately stacked. (cookie, ice cream, cookie, microwave, or cookie, cookie, microwave, ice cream respectively). So a dear friend, who is a cookie aficionado and recent computer science graduate, suggested I add an "uncookie" operator to my stack, and thus the cookie sandwich was born! It's really very technical, I wouldn't expect anybody to understand who didn't have at *least* a B.S. in computational cocoanalysis with some training in pastrybase management systems.
    Is your prof pic supposed to be like a talksprite?
    Yes, that's exactly right! :D I did it shortly after I saw someone with a neat semi-realistic talksprite for themselves on tumblr! I got mad jelly and had to do one for myself. 'course, I don't have white hair IRL (or even blond), but I like the B/W aesthetic.
    I love it! You did a nice job on it :D
    brb inventing superpowers ~ Mover/Shaker/Brute/Breaker, Master/Tinker/Blaster/Thinker, Striker/Changer/Trump and Stranger! OuO
    omg your new signature shark is so qtpie ;v;
    I think I'll have to rotate between it and the omnomnom one!
    Hi do you do art requests? pm me if your interested thanks
    Usually only when I've cleared my backlog, which is rarely! Or if the request is sufficiently interested. But generally I'm gonna have to say it's a tentative "probably not right now"!
    The artwork you made for the OU Checks Compendium is amazing! Good job on that one :]
    Post-to-likes ratio: 326:393, fuck, that's an awfully ugly ratio
    Adamant Zoroark
    Adamant Zoroark
    Better than my post-like ratio, but to be fair a good number of those posts were made before the switch to xenforo
    Hey man! Do you take requests for art at all? I've seen a lot of your stuff on here and DeviantArt and they're really amazing, looks like you put a lot of time into each one
    I sort of do :< I have been known to take requests, but I've already got a backlog and my laptop has completely broken and I don't know when I can get it fixed. So the odds of me producing anything soon is approaching nil, sorry :(

    Thanks, though!
    Oh, I didn't know that think had been round for ages....was excited then dashed again :(

    Thanks for that answer tho bud
    Haha sorry for ruining the dream :P It's had pretty regular updates on Serebii, but I don't think anybody outside Japan really cares.
    All good. Just more (in)patient waiting as usual
    do you have an art thread? I remember you posting a ton of awesome stuff in the art for tourneys thread :o if you don't yet you should go for it imo
    I did? Gosh. I don't remember that :o Are you sure it was me? I almost never post a ton of stuff.

    Hell, I almost never post *stuff*.
    mm maybe I am exaggerating... but still, I know you have at least three pieces (BishBliss, the Heracross thing, and I'm sure there's one more ), more than enough to start an art thread if you're up for it ;) Of course, if you're not feeling it, that's alright too. Regardless, keep it up!
    lol at best that's exactly enough to start a thread >.< I just don't paint often enough to warrant it I think! At best it'd just be a big ol' link to my woefully outdated dA page! Thanks for the support tho :D
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