da gold sun
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  • Hey, if you want an Espurr Safari, you could add me. No one's told me what my third Pokemon is yet so it I suppose it could be Gothille (if you could let me know what it is that would be cool). FC is 3926-5258-7103 IGN is Aditya
    Hey I saw you on the friend code spreadsheet, mind adding me back? 5429-8216-8730 Phanpy/Dugtrio/Diggersby
    Hi, can you add me? I am looking for Tyrogue. My friend code is 4055-4028-2930; I have Fraxure, Dragonair, and Druddigon.
    Hey~ i added your FC on 3DS, think you could add me back? 2578-3365-2106 ~ Snorunt / Lapras / Sneasel safari btw.
    da gold sun
    da gold sun
    I am so sorry I didn't see this until now! I added you back. Thanks!
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