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  • hi danmire
    ty my guy. how goes everything?
    im hangin in there. life continues, my respiration is unabated. death will come for me, but not anytime soon. cant ask for much more than that! hows the Life of Danmire?
    also, i see ur lookin at al's profile. hes doin AWESOME if ur curious, hes graduated with a degree in some kind of science and is crushing it in his career
    I see you have an Awkward Zombie profile picture! I love that comic!
    They're awesome! I wish I can meet the artist one day
    how's the art for the article you're drawing for going? it's been about a month sooo!
    Hey, sorry for the delay! The art is almost done with, it's that I had a small hiatus due to classes starting again. Will have it done by this week!
    If it's not done by this week I'll have to reassign it.
    yeah, im not going to be able to finish it now, family stuff, got a new job and all that. i'm sorry for the lack of anything, thought i'll be able to push something of quality before the deadline but i ended up screwing myself over.
    Danmire!!! dude this is outta nowhere but I totally remember us talking on Shoddy in like late 2010 before PO was the move

    How the hell have you been man?
    Hey man, long time no talk! And haha, those were the days of good ol' 4th gen meta!

    I've been good man, I'm a freshman in college now, got my digital designer major going on, everythings awesome. How about yourself?
    Dude that's great! What college, if you don't mind me asking?

    I'm actually in the process of applying right now... i posted recently in the application thread in Cong, but tl;dr applied to normal college *and* conservatories for clarinet performance... been busy and i just decided to check in on smogon haha

    isn't it so weird that we're all growing up? or like, everyone we talked to.... shit's crazy
    Yeah man, time goes by really quickly, so take what you get and enjoy it and more!

    I'm currently enrolled in Miami Dade Community College, going to do my first two years and then transfer to whatever art college I can apply to
    man i loved that movie
    tbh i didnt think it was going to be any good but man was i wrong
    Glad you like it haha. I went to it with an open mind and it blew me away, man, it's great
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    lol my best friend made me go, i think i enjoyed it more than him
    I loved Guardians of the galaxy, probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. And the soundtrack, damn.
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    I found a spotify playlist with all the songs on it. Come and get your love and the pina colada song are the best
    Ey man, I've been starting my days by waking up and jamming out to Come and Get Your Love
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    I actually bike to school, and I always blast that shit in my ears on the way there. Life endangering, aye, but it's an addictive song

    I've actually memorized all the lyrics :o
    how epic was guardians of the galaxy. especially the soundtrack
    it was amazing. i told my self earlier in may when i saw godzilla that no movie will make me smile more (this is because i am a little biased, plus i grew up watching godzilla for 16 years) but guardians took the cake. it is probably the best marvel has to offer as of now.
    The TurtleLord
    The TurtleLord
    yeah its my favourite of the marvel films
    hey! i noticed you are an artist almunus, and I was wondering if I could see some of your work! :) Just start a convo with me :D
    Yeah I realized! and thanks for the link!
    wow! looking at your art, i see you've come a long way!
    Haha, thanks! Most of it was trying out an art class and then getting used to the tablet I got while trying out different styles. Glad you noticed a change :)
    Ritter, when he made the topic this time around, did something I think was successful-- a nice, simple theme that people found accessible. This got us a lot of entries even before our heavy hitters made submissions, haha... The very strict start-and-end times also seem to have helped us (even though we were a day late in getting the poll up) because it gave people something to aim for.

    Maybe it was a fluke, haha. But I'm impressed with the entries and discussion in the thread, and I'm grateful for your keeping the torch going when the contest needed a reboot :)

    serious response to your not-serious question, but that's what you get!!!
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