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  • We should trade Skype names or something :D

    My cousin got 13th place, my brother got 32th place, I got 27th place, and my brother's friend got 15th place.
    Nice dude, yeah me too! What did you end up deciding on? You know my team, so it's only fair that I know yours! lol
    The tournament's this weekend, have you decided what you're going to be using?
    Well I'll battle you with a bunch of other teams I have, but im keeping my actual team a secret.
    I've been working on mine for the past 5 months so i really hope i dont get haxed out!
    Hmm we'll see about that, lol. So what are you planning on running? I finished getting my team yesterday.
    Defiantly! I'll be meeting up slaymar too and my friend KidKadabra, but he'll be in masters.
    I made it to top 32 last year. I was hoping i could've met up with you, oh well, hopefully this year. What made you message me all of a sudden? I mean i haven't heard from you since last year.
    Nah, this is my 3rd year. I played in 2009's Regionals for the top 16, 2010 losing in the 2nd round, and 2011 losing in the first round. I hope to see you there too, along with other people from Smogon!
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