Disposable Puppets

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  • Hey were playing for mega mania, When can you play? I'm on EDT.
    I may end up busier then expected, If I can't make today, does friday after tour work for you?
    Deadline got extended to 8, will you be on like around 7ish on smogtours?
    Disposable Puppets
    Disposable Puppets
    We had a big storm and power got knocked out at my apartment. I just got it back this morning so sorry I wasn't able to meet up with you. Good luck the rest of the way
    we're battling for Uu tourney round 2, srry if late. im gmt +8, can battle about 3 hrs later
    Hey, we have to play for the XY UU tour.
    I am GMT-5 and can play everyday this week bar Friday during the evening at some point - weekend activity, sunday specifically, should be pretty good
    get on irc whenever you wanna play for the ygo tourney. im usually on as "negres" in #yugioh
    hi sorry no im about to head out but if you can give me an idea of the times you're going to be on the rest of the week i'll try to catch you when you're online
    Hey we're paired for The Second TOurnament of Second Chance. I'm GMT+2 and am avaible usually after my school so around 6:30 pm most of the time. When can you play ?
    i'm on at really random times, so you can try to find me on irc or just shoot me a vm when you see i'm online on the forum. worse comes to worse, we set up a time for the weekend or w/e.
    hey bro I most likely got kicked out of that, since my entry wasn't serious anyway (I know nothing about yugioh, nor did I know at the time I was entering as a sub). I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. good luck against whoever you are matched up against.
    Alright, I'm not quite ready to play today, so I'll look for you Friday afternoon (I'm EST too).
    Hey, we're paired for the GauntletII tournament. I'm gmt +2 and i prefer to play soon.
    Hey, we're paired for the vgc tournament. I'm gmt -7, and I can play most times after 3 pm my time. Whats good for you?
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