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  • necesito ayuda para abusar del pokeradar en la ds si alguien sabe y me puede dar mas detalles quiero atrapar algunos shiny por el metodo chained shiny (theoretical) quiero saber si es posible hacerlo en la ds

    I need some help for rng pokeradar abuse by chained shiny (theoretical) method in DS "no emulator" I need more details in this method if someone can help me, because i need smome shinys with good spread for this method
    Yeah. It's not too bad. Although without the finalized version of RNG reporter 9.0 it can be annoying. -_-
    I'm usually inactive, but I learned to RNG 5th gen so I'm on here all the time now. :3
    Hey, are you still wanting my brave Aggron? If so, do you want it UT or EV trained (252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def)?
    Can I ev something for you? Sorry if I'm bothering, I really wanted that Dusclops lol.
    Body Slam's already on (Lv Up move ftw) I'll contact you once I get the NN'ed version on my HG.
    Magnemite can have Sturdy or Magnet Pull as it's ability. I'm guessing it has Magnet Pull, since HP Fire would suggest it's supposed to trap and kill steels.
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