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  • ofwkefowekf something just came up @@; could we push the time an hour back? Sorry about the hassle!
    Hey there, I'm GMT +5. I am flexible on the week days, so those times work for me. Perhaps we can try to meet at 6 PM GMT on Wednesday?
    Hey, you and me are facing each other in the second round of VGC 12. My time zone is GMT -8, hopefully we can find a time that works.
    I'll be available for most of today and tomorrow to get this done. When you see this, go on the SkarmBliss server. I'll be keeping an eye on the user list to see when you come on.
    I have class till 2pm today but I'm gunna try and be on the Smogon PO server from 3pm onwards after that. Just message me, I'll be on as Joeyboy, so we can either battle or at least schedule a solid time.
    Hey man so when do you want to get our games done? I'm going back to school tomorrow so I'll have less time, when are you gunna be free?
    So turns out I broke my elbow on new years, so its gunna be another day or two till I can battle. sorry again for any inconvenience.
    Hey man sorry I havent got back to you. I messed up my arm on new years, then between being sick and traveling back home I haven't had much time :) anyway I'm now in Eastern Time Zone but I'll have tons of free time :) doctor's appointment of stuff tomorrow but other than that, no plans.

    Sure we won't have any scheduling problems
    Yo man, we're paired for Smogon Tour :) just wanted to touch base, sure we'll get this taken care of.
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