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  • Hey there, I can send you that Venonat now, whenever you're ready. =]
    Drake Tseng
    Good deal. I'll be in touch :)
    Hey there! How's it going with those capture mons? =P Sorry if I'm nagging ya
    Drake Tseng
    Sorry I got a ton of IRL stuff going on all of a sudden. I might be on minimal play for a while. Sorry. =/
    If anyone wants anything from the Bird giveaway or the Mudkip giveaway, please PM me your availabilities. I have been pretty busy IRL so I can't just sit online, but I am able to schedule a time and make it that way.
    I need the purple mudkip from kalyx giveaway and also can I get the lugia from bluesonics giveaway?
    hey uhm, so i heard your a distrubtor from the blast from the past giveaway. can you give me my lugia please? fc is 3825 1029 7784
    It is no problem I am almost done EVing it for the spiker set. Enjoy EV (Eevee)
    hey bro, i believe you're a distributor of kalyx's mudkip ? would it be okay if you trade it now/soon ? :D
    Since you're online and all, do you have the Lugia from Bluesonic's giveaway thread? I won one, and since you're online :P
    Could you please trade me it? If you can't do it right now, that's fine, I don't mind.
    You able to trade now or are you at school? Oh lol never noticed tilted letters while writing this message.
    Hey thats awesome, im usually on between 9 am and 5pm gmt+1 time. I kinda come on periodically there's no specific time to catch me unless you arrange one
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