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  • Hi I'm your opponent for the OST9, can we play this weekend if possible? I'm too busy atm. My timezone is gmt +0.
    Hey dude we have a battle for the Liars Rule Tourney. I'm Central Standard Time, let me know when you are available!
    We have to battle for the Liar's Rule Tournamente and i'm asking you when you are free! My gmt is +1 and yours? when can we play?
    I'm your opponent for the forgotten year DPP tournament, and I'm GMT+1.
    WHen can u play ?
    tomorrow that time is better.

    the best i can go is 9PM my time, also i confused im GMT+3 i forgot about DST
    Just in case you didn't already see, we're on the same team for the BW2 OU Tournament. Ironic isn't it?
    hey, I don't wanna be rude or something, but it's very annoying that I have to wait for you one hour when you said you could play the game at the accorded time, I have to wake up very early and I don't like stay up too much time in the evenings.
    hope you can be on tomorrow at the same time that you accorded for today because with the start of school I just wanna get rid off my tournament matches asap. have a nice day
    we're paired for pass the twash, im gmt +1 and im available in the afternoons and nights, when do you wanna play?
    Sorry dude, I have so much homework (team hw) and I can't come, tomorrow will be fine =)
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