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  • We're paired up for this round of the VGC tournament. I'm GMT -5 and I'm pretty much free to play any day this week except for Wednesday and Thursday. Both of those days I'm only available until 4 PM my time because I'm starting a new job this week.
    Hey, we have to play for the Smogon's Vgc tournament, when can you play and what's your timezone?
    Hey drug_duck, we're paired for Smogon's VGC Tournament, We've got until April 3rd to do it, what's your timezone and general availability?
    Reminding you to update your VGC Volcarona (Urugamosu) analysis with Chou Toshio's GP check so that we can give it its second GP check.
    gmt-5, this week ill be available pretty much all day everyday. ill submit my team tonight and we can play soon
    either one is good to me, i'm a mod on PO so maybe that is better! ill be on so challenge me whenever
    I should be available tomorrow most of the day, just give me a time. I am in GMT -5
    Good games drug_duck! It was so awesome to battle a player well known as yourself. :)
    I love your sig. People are gonna have to realize, hax is a part of this game. Paralysis, burn, poison, sleep, crit huts, it happens. Deal with it or dont play pokemon. It's a part of the game and always will be. Acceptance is he key to becoming victorious, whether you win or not. You're a wise person and a smart person/player. Sorry for the random speech/drop in.
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