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  • We gotta battle for the hpl, I can battle at anytime this week but I'll prefer if we can battle on weekend around Smogon Tour times. Also you can find me on IRC as Robert.
    I'm usually available after school this week. I'm gmt -6, so what time would be good for you?
    Can we go to the nugget bridge server as it is much less crowded? I'll be on as aurarayquaza and you'll have to challenge me as mine is lagging badly
    Hey sorry I'm late. Are you still on? If so, could we do it on PS as my Ds is not functioning properly
    Hey we really need to get this done over the weekend because the deadline is coming up. Can we say 12 am (GMT) tonight as that seems like the time you are on. Please get in touch
    Hey I didn't see you on today at 3pm for our match. Please get in touch so we can battle. why don't we say tomorrow at the same time
    Yeah I'm good for tomorrow. Why don't we say 3 pm (GMT+1) tomorrow. My fc is 5158 0891 3657. See you then!
    hey we ae paired up this week for the spl farm league. If you can do it on wifi, then im free pretty much all the time, just let me know so we can trade friend codes. if can only do simulator, then im free from 12am- 7pm (GMT+1) tomorrow, or from 12am - 3pm (GMT+1) until Thursday. please let me know soon as I was put in last minute and would really like to get this done
    big head manager traded for R Inanimate so I don't think we're looking for a VGCer anymore, sorry :(
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